Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0451 (AF:320961 AR:177996)
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Term
Course year
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The course is part of the characterizing lessons common to the degree course in Conservation and Management of Cultural Heritage; is addressed in particular to students of the archaeological and historical-artistic curricula. The course aims to provide the first methodological tools and the first knowledge about the museum and the conservation of artworks.
Objectives of the course are: to offer a solid and concise knowledge of the history of museums, illustrating their functions and their arrangement over the centuries; highlight the role and complexity of the contemporary museum, just as it has taken shape in the 21st century. The achievement of these objectives allows the student to have the ability to analyse contemporary museums and understand their evolution over time.
-knowledge and understanding: course attendance and individual study will allow students to acquire the basic vocabulary of museology, basic knowledge on the history of museums and on current operating and development standards for museum management in Italy.
- ability to apply knowledge and understanding: to be able to examine the history of a museum to compare it with other similar cases, to compare similar European museums for chronologies and types of materials, to identify the main issues concerning the conservation and enhancement of works of art inside a museum.
-judgment ability: ability to evaluate the functioning status of a contemporary museum in relation to its history and the arrangement criteria that it presents.
-communication skills: knowing how to use the specific lexicon of museology in an appropriate way to describe the historical and contemporary museum reality, to know how to compare these issues with colleagues and teachers.
-learning skills: knowing how to recognize the essential characteristics of a museum from the point of view of the arrangement; know how to place the history of a specific museum in the evolution of the history of European museums with comparisons between similar cases.
No prerequisite is required. Direct knowledge of the main museums of Venice is required, to be acquired during the course
After presenting some essential methodological issues, such as the specific topic and the lexicon of museology and museography, the lessons will focus on the history of museums: from humanist studioli to wunderkammerns, from aristocratic galleries to the illuminist museum, from the “casa-museo” to great nationals museums of the nineteenth century. Italian and European museums will also be analyzed in the twenties and thirties of the twentieth century; the museum renovation of the fifties in Italy; American museums between tradition and innovation. The “Act on the technical-scientific criteria and on the standards of functioning and development of Italian museums” will be presented and analyzed; Finally, issues of current relevance will be dealt with, linked to the activities of the contemporary museum (arragment and use, education, conservation and promotion, recent digital communication strategies).
Mandatory texts:
-Cataldo Lucia e Paraventi Marta, Il museo oggi. Linee guida per una museologia contemporanea, Hoepli, Milano 2007, pp. 44-187, 214-231, 239-285.
-Fiorio Maria Teresa, Il museo nella storia. Dallo studiolo alla raccolta pubblica, Mondadori, Milano 2011

Optional texts:
-Falletti Vittorio e Maggi Maurizio, I musei, Il Mulino, Bologna 2012
-Mottola Molfino Alessandra, L’etica dei musei. Un viaggio tra passato e futuro dei musei alle soglie del terzo millennio, Allemandi, Torino, 2004.

In addition to the general reference texts, non-attending students must complete the exam program with the following texts:
Lugli Adalgisa, Museologia, Jaca Book, Milano 1992
Tomea Gavazzoli Maria Laura, Manuale di Museologia, Rizzoli, Milano 2011
The exam consists of a written two-hour test, during which students will have to answer 4 questions
on the topics of the course. In addition to these 4 questions, students will have a fifth question to make a critical analysis of the criteria for the arrangement of museum of the Veneto that can choose.
Each question will be assigned a grade from 0 to 6, which will compose the final mark of the test.
The exam aims to verify the basic knowledge presented during the lessons and displayed in the didactic materials present in the moodle platform of the university, where some examples of written tests proposed for the exam will also be available.
During the exam, the use of books, notes or electronic devices is not permitted.
Lectures that also use educational resources in the form of powerpoint available on the e-learning platform of These materials analyse individual museums and integrate with news and images the case studies presented by the reference texts.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Cities, infrastructure and social capital" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 07/07/2020