Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0481 (AF:320779 AR:172618)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Term
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The Papirologia course is an optional teaching of the Master's degree in "Scienze dell'antichità: letterature, storia e archeologia".
This course provides students with the necessary training to learn how to read Greek papyri and, therefore, to use and analyze these historical and literary sources in the original form in which they were transmitted.
By the end of the course the students will have acquired:
- Basic knowledge and understanding of the various fields of papyrology (documentary, literary, digital and Herculaneum)
- Knowledge and understanding of the writing materials used in antiquity, and of the forms of the ancient book (papyri, ostraca and tablets of Egyptian origin)
- Knowledge and understanding of the different types of papyrus documents
- Ability to judge the editions of papyrus and the different types of writings in documentary and literary papyri
- Ability to apply this knowledge to the analysis and edition of a papyrus text
- Communicative ability to present the results in the standard scientific forms of the critical and digital edition
Basic knowledge of classical Greek.
The course provides the basics for the study of writing materials in the ancient world (ostraca, tablets, papyrus and parchment), with particular attention to the development of Greek writing of papyri and the form of documents and literary texts.
Part of the course consists in reading and commenting on images of papyri.
In order to better prepare for the final examstudents will have the opportunity to make further transcriptions as an exercise, which will then be corrected by the teacher,
Non-attendants are required to contact the teacher to integrate the institutional preparation with the study of a choice of texts and original sources, as well as with exercises to be agreed according to their interests and their skills.
Mandatory bibliography
E.G. Turner, Papiri greci, ed. italiana a c. di M. Manfredi, Roma: Carocci, 2002.
Further materials will be provided in moodle.

Recommended additional bibliography
- G. Cavallo, La scrittura greca e latina dei papiri. Una introduzione, Roma: Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2008.
- P. Parsons, La scoperta di Ossirinco. La vita quotidiana in Egitto al tempo dei Romani, Roma: Carocci 2014.
- R.S. Bagnall, Papiri e storia antica, ed. it. a cura di M. Capasso, Roma: Bardi 2007.
- H. Blanck, Il libro nel mondo antico, a cura di R. Otranto, Bari: Dedalo 2008.
- O. Montevecchi, La Papirologia, Vita e Pensiero, Milano 1988 (pp. 3-25; 66-72; 139-148; 152-161; 165-173; 177-233).
The exam comprises a written test consisting of a transcription and 10 open questions on the bibliography, texts and topics covered during the course. For 6 questions there will be a short notional answer, for the other 4 an answer of average length that requires a good critical skill. The use of a dictionary is permitted.
The lessons will be carried out in the conventional way, and also through the active participation of the students mentioned above in the Contents. Attendance is strongly recommended.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 23/10/2019