Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
ET7011 (AF:320319 AR:160625)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Term
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The course will develop students’ understanding of organizational design and its challenge in companies involved in digital transformation. It will provide theoretical and practical knowledge on what organizational design is, which are the main decisions, organizational solutions at different levels of analysis and intervention.
The course will help students to develop an integrated set of frameworks and tools for understanding and making decisions regarding organization that can influence innovation and ultimately the effectiveness of organizations. A special attention will be given also to ethics. Today’s manager can create an ethically healthy climate for his or her employees and encourage employees to behave with integrity.
Specifically students :
 will learn what organizational design means , what are the main dimensions of organizational design based on the main organization theories
 will understand key decisions of organizational design at different levels of analysis: inter-organizational, organizational, teams and individuals ones
 will able to comprehend what are the key challenges posed by the digital transformation to organizational design in a variety of sectors
 will learn analytical frameworks to managing the main challenges in designing organizations
Exam of Digital Management passed
The course will develop a robust in-depth analysis of organizational design and will stimulate critical discussion about it.
The course is divided in 5 sections

1. Organization, effectiveness and ethics
- Organizations and Organizational Effectiveness
- Stakeholders, Managers, and Ethics

2. Challenges of organizational design
- Basic Challenges of Organizational Design

3. Designing organizational structure for digitalization
- Designing Organizational Structure: Authority and Control
- Designing Organizational Structure: Specialization and Coordination

4. Organizational culture and change
- Creating and Managing Organizational Culture
- Types and forms of change

5. Organizational learning and decision-making
- Decision-making, knowledge and learning
The course material will consist of case studies, journal articles and book chapters. Most of the material will be available online.
For each section there will be selected further readings useful for deepening the analysis.

Mandatory reading
Gareth R. Jones, 2013, Organizational theory, design and Change, Pearson (7th ed.)
Chapters will be communicated the first lesson and the list available in moodle
Attending students
Group Assignment and written exam
- Group assignments is an opportunity given just to the attending students
- The assignment will be identified and fully described at the beginning of the course and it will be delivered by attending students during the course
- Attending students can also choose to take the written exam without assignment

Non attending students
Written exam

JUNE 2020 EXAM SESSION: online written exam
Interactive approach based on:
Case Studies
Visual supported training


This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Circular economy, innovation, work" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 03/06/2020