Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0130 (AF:319868 AR:172052)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Surnames A-L
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
3rd Term
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The course is part of the common pathway of the Bachelor’s Degree Programmes in Philosophy, Literature and History. The course aims to provide students with basic methodological tools to perform linguistic and interlinguistic analyses. In particular, the course aims to prepare students for study and work in international contexts through the development of reading, comprehension and translation skills of specialist texts, oral presentation and discussion skills, and academic and professional writing skills.
Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course, students will:
• know the English terminology used in their field of expertise and understand the specialised texts where it is used
• know the phraseological and grammatical aspects of English for special purposes (ESP)
• know the features of academic and professional English
• know the basic elements of oral interaction in English

Applying knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course, students will:
• be able to analyse an ESP text by identifying its author, intended reader, context and purpose
• be able to analyse an ESP text by taking into consideration its register, terminology,, phraseology and grammar
• be able to translate into Italian short ESP texts by taking into consideration the terminological, phraseological and grammatical differences between English and Italian

Making judgements:
At the end of the course, students will:
• be able to identify critical points in a text to be analysed, transalted or produced
• be able to select the most appropriate strategies to solve potential problems when producing an English text or translating in Italian autonomously

At the end of the course, students will:
• be able to orally illustrate and discuss the contents of an ESP text
• be able to identify and produce a written academic text (chronological, descriptive)
• be able to write texts useful for study or professional purposes (CV, formal correspondence, e-mails, etc.)

Learning skills:
At the end of the course, students will:
• be able to take advantage of what they have learnt to understand and analyse ESP texts in their field of expertise or similar fields
• be able to take advantage of what they have learnt to communicate about topics falling within their field of expertise
The language entrance test (B1, CEFR) is preparatory to the English language examination.
The test is managed by the University Language Centre (CLA). Further information on the test is available on the CLA website (https://www.unive.it/pag/30211/ ).

You can attend the English language course and/or language practice tutorials before passing the B1 language test.
You must have passed the B1 language test to sit the English language exam.
The course consists of a monographic course (“corso monografico”) and two language practice tutorials (“esercitazioni”) held by a language instructor (“CEL”).

Monographic course
The course focuses on the analysis of English specialized texts and on their translation into Italian. Features of formal register (lexis, syntax, morphology) and contrastive grammar will be examined.
During the course some aspects of the English phonological system will also be illustrated to help students prepare for the oral exam.

Language practice tutorials (“esercitazioni”)
The ‘Reading and discussion’ language practice tutorials will focus on reading and oral presentation and discussion of academic texts related to humanistic disciplines.
The ‘Writing’ language practice tutorials will focus on some aspects of English grammar and punctuation and on the production of academic texts (descriptive, chronological) or the production of texts useful for international study (CV, formal correspondence, e-mails, etc).

In academic year 2019/2020, the English language tutors are:
- Frederika Gebhardt
- Ewan Glenton
For the monographic course:

R. Bonicelli: English for the Humanities (Cafoscarina)
Other materials provided by the professor during the course and made available on Moodle.
F. Gebhardt: HANDOUT English Pronunciation

For the ‘Reading and discussion’ tutorials, students will choose ONE of the following books:

G. Ludbrook: English for History and Philosophy (Cafoscarina)
F. Gebhardt: English for the Arts (Cafoscarina)

For the ‘Writing’ tutorials, students will choose ONE of the following handouts:

F. Gebhardt: HANDOUT Professional English
E. Glenton: HANDOUT Academic Writing Skills for the Humanities

All the handouts for the ‘Writing’ tutorials are available on the Moodle pages of the language instructors or at Copisteria CLONY.
During the COVID-19 health emergency, assessment will be carried out remotely as specified below.

The exam consists of three parts which must be taken and passed as follows:

1) written test based on general grammar, punctuation and lexis, plus a guided task for the writing of an academic text or a cover letter, which will be delivered on the Professor's Moodle page;

2) oral test based on the comprehension and discussion of six texts selected from the textbook of the 'Reading' tutorial chosen, which will be carried out on Meet;

3) oral exam based on the reading, analysis, discussion, and translation of the texts studied during the monographic course (Units 1, 3, 6, 8 and 9 from the textbook) and of a text selected by the students concerning their field of expertise, which will be carried out on Meet. The texts selected by the students must be uploaded on the Professor's Moodle page before the oral exam and by the deadlines specified on Moodle.

Students who do not attend the course and/or the tutorials are required to study the programme covered in class; there is no alternative programme. Students who attend the language practice tutorials will have the opportunity to take oral and written tests related to the first two parts of the final exam before the exam session.

Detailed instructions on the tests and the final exam are published regularly on the Professor's Moodle page.
written and oral
The course consists of three parts:

1) a monographic course, held by Professor Katia Peruzzo in the III period, taught in three weekly meetings over five weeks for a total of 30 hours;

2) a 15-hour ‘Reading and discussion’ language practice tutorial to be chosen between English for History and Philosophy and English for the Arts (please note that the number of seats available per tutorial is limited);

3) a 15-hour ‘Writing’ language practice tutorial to be chosen between Professional English and Academic Writing Skills for the Humanities (please note that the number of seats available per tutorial is limited).

The ‘Reading and discussion’ and ‘Writing’ language practice tutorials are held in both the III and IV period. Students can choose to attend language practice tutorials in either the III or the IV period.
Attendance at the monographic course and the language practice tutorials is strongly recommended.

Please consult the lecturer’s and the instructors’ personal pages and Moodle for notices, timetables, examination dates, and teaching materials.

Students whose exam has a number of credits other than 6 must contact the lecturer to discuss the details of the programme.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 11/05/2020