Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
NM001A (AF:319657 AR:171760)
ECTS credits
Degree level
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
This module aims to provide the students with the theorical knowledge, the techniques, and the fundamental tools to conceive and create narrative texts and, more specifically, texts that can be defined as business narratives.
During the lessons we will face the main aspects of the business narrative system.
The aim is to provide the students with the basic knowledge of the subject, and those tools necessary to understand the topics peculiarities. Meanwhile, an open exchange with the other artistic fields of this Minor will be conducted.
The students will be encouraged to actively attend to the lessons, participating and proving themselves with the exercises provided during the workshop hours. By that dedication they will master the technical jargon and tools and acquire autonomous critical thinking.
The module doesn’t require specific prerequisites, but it is advisable a good knowledge of the Italian language and its grammar.
The formative module will face the fundamental concepts and techniques of creative writing. It will show the main aspects of narrative (characters; storyline and plot; focalisation; author and narrator; styles) and the many ways to transform those single aspects into a short story. Every theorical explanation will be followed by an exercise of individual writing, whose results will be shared and discussed during the lessons.
Following the visit to the partner, Lunardelli, we will create small groups (4-5 people max): every group will have to realise a short business narrative, putting into practice what they learned in the first part of the module.
In addition to that, the students will take a written exam to verify their theorical knowledge.
Alessandro Cinquegrani (edited by), "Imprese letterarie", Venezia, Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 2019. On line at .

Giulio Mozzi, video-classes “Inventare e raccontare storie” (17 lezioni). On line at

Suggested readings:

Italo Calvino, "Lezioni americane. Sei proposte per il prossimo millennio", Milano, Garzanti, 1988.

Vincenzo Cerami, "Consigli a un giovane scrittore. Narrativa, cinema, teatro, radio", Torino, Einaudi, 1996.

Alessandro Cinquegrani (edited by), "Con le vostre chiavi. Storie di imprese significanti", Vittorio Veneto, Kellermann, 2016.

Claudio Giunta, "Come non scrivere", Torino, Utet, 2018.

Stephen King, "On writing. Autobiografia di un mestiere", Milano, Pickwick, 2000.

Angelo Marchese, "L’officina del racconto: semiotica della narratività", Milano, Mondadori, 1983.

Giulio Mozzi, "Oracolo manuale per scrittrici e scrittori", Venezia, Sonzogno, 2019.

Fabrizio Panozzo, "Storytelling innovativo dei beni culturali", paper of the project “ArTVision+. Stimolare la promozione e lo sviluppo turistico attraverso il prisma della cultura”. On line at

Other suggested readings will be given during the lessons, based on the single student interests.
Learning progresses will be checked by considering 2 dimensions:
- constant presence and participation in lessons; expression of individual contribution to the collective elaboration of a business narrative during the lessons (which will contribute to the formation of 40% of the final mark);
- final written test aimed at verifying theoretical knowledge (which will contribute to the formation of 60% of the final mark).
The formative module is notionally divided in two parts: the first one consists in theorical lectures with iconographic and audio-visual materials; the second one in practical workshops, to support the students in creating their narratives.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 31/01/2020