Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0275 (AF:318804 AR:168934)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
6 out of 12 of MORAL PHILOSOPHY
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Term
The aim of this course is to introduce the students to the comprehension of the philosophical anthropology and the ethics’ main categories.
The main goals of the course are:
a) to make the students able to formulate the theoretical problems about human life, connecting them to its essential features
b) to avoid reductive conceptions about human life, which do not take into account the effective experience of a human being

There are not any particular pre-requirements.
Title: Reason, Passion and Freedom
These lectures will try to offer the fundamental notions of Moral Philosophy. The three semantemes, which constitute the title, will be examined ‒ with the help of some classical works ‒ and in their specific content and in their mutual relationships.
Classical Texts: Platone, Repubblica, a cura di G. Lozza, Mondadori, Milano 1990; Aristotele, Metafisica, a cura di G. Reale, Vita e Pensiero, Milano 1993; Aristotele, Etica Nicomachea, a cura di C. Natali, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2001; Plotino, Enneadi, a cura di G. Faggin, Rusconi, Milano 1992; Agostino, La vera religione, a cura di M. Vannini, Mursia, Milano 1987; Tommaso d'Aquino, Summa Theologiae, I IIae, a cura dei Domenicani italiani, Firenze 1975; Kant, Critica della ragion pratica, a cura di V. Mathieu, Rusconi, Milano 1996; Hegel, Lineamenti di filosofia del diritto, a cura di V. Cicero, Rusconi, Milano 1996.
Other Texts: AA.VV., La liberta del bene, a cura di C. Vigna, Vita e Pensiero, Milano 1998; V. Melchiorre, Corpo e persona, Marietti, Genova 1991; P. Pagani, Studi di filosofia morale, Aracne, Roma 2008; P. Pagani, Ricerche di antropologia filosofica, Orthotes, Napoli, 2012.
The written test will be composed of four open-ended questions (1h and 30 minutes). After the evaluation, the written proof will be commented by the professor with each student.
The course will based on head-on lectures, enhancing students’ contribution. Parallel to the course, a seminar will be held (by an assistant of the professor), which will guide the students throughout the reading and the comment of the main passages of the anthology.
Bibliography for the exam:
- Anthology (also in original language), edited by professor
- Lecture notes by professor
- P. Pagani, Introduzione alla filosofia, pro manuscripto, Lugano 1997.
Possible differentiations of the programme will be pointed out during the lectures.

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 05/06/2020