Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0432 (AF:318394 AR:170512)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
The course is related to historical and linguistic domains of Science of Antiquity and to Anthropology: the course is one of the core educational activities characterizing the Master’s Degree Programme in HIstory.
The interdisciplinary approach broadens skills concerning subjects of 'sacred' area, offering tools and methodology in order to compare different traditions and cultures.
The course aims to give students methodological and cultural requirements for professional, cultural and didactic activities within : communication domain, scientific spread, analysis of historical and social processes.
For further information please : scrippa@unive.it
The aim of this course is to offer critical and less studied elements concerning a very important discussion always present within history of religions and in the studies regarding relationship between categories in different cultures.
In particular, attending the course and practicing individual study allow students to acquire specific knowledge: some instruments which are necessary in order to reflect on the relationship between so-called "magical" traditions and scientific culture.
The students will acquire cognitive abilities in order to sketch a scientific research and to transmit the results of this research over through the scientific communication.
Historical and general cultural competences and a specific interest in interdisciplinary researches and comparative studies between cultures.
Scientific culture and " magical" traditions between Western and Eastern world

Since Antiquity, Western culture in different domains ( history, anthropology,literature, arts) has always focused on the relationship between different fields of knowledge and their transmission throughout the centuries: science, astrology, astronomy, magic, divination, etc. The main purpose of this course is to highlight some fundamental features of the relationship between these domains, such as conflicts, censorships, convergences, in a perspective involving both Eastern and Western traditions
-Lecture Notes
-Texts distributed during the course
-The specific bibliography will be given at the beginning of the course.

Students who never attended a course of History of Religions are advised to read:
-A. Brelich Introduzione alla storia delle religioni ed ateneo 2005, pp. 1-70
Crippa Corpi e saperi Pendragon 2019 : 2 articles

This Bibliography can be integrated by some texts related to the specific studies in progress of the students.

Moreover it is possible for the students to agree with the Professor on an individual program.
The choosen Method to evaluate the student's Knowledge consists in a short written text ( tesina) on the topics of the course; the text will be discussed during the examination, with result recording.Through this examination it will be possible to verify competencies, cognitive abilities and knowledge acquired by students.
written and oral
lectures and seminars
Moreover, further activities of course are the seminar POIKILIA and the visite to Grottanelli's library at BAUM.
For further informations see: scrippa@unive.it

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 27/10/2019