Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0479 (AF:317889 AR:170864)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Term
The conservation and enhancement of the archaeological heritage must be based on rigorous documentation of the object being studied, be it historical-archival, static-structural, geometric, material, etc. The survey and digital representation are part of this analysis process, as a set of procedures suitable for the description of the shape of an object (geometry, proportions, position), which are a necessary support for a complete knowledge of a site or individual finds. The course aims to provide the bases of theoretical and practical knowledge for the survey and digital representation in archeology. On one hand, the methods and operational techniques will be analyzed and on the other, the IT tools for the processing and graphic processing of the acquired data.
At the end of the module, the student must be able to plan a survey, evaluate its results and represent them according to the most current forms of communication. These skills will lead students to know how to make operational choices that can overcome difficulties, apply the most suitable techniques from time to time and obtain a final product suitable for the requests
No special prerequisites are required except a minimum computer literacy (cad 2d, digital images). It is necessary to participate in class with your laptop computer
The module will deal in particular with digital photogrammetry, laserscanning in order to guide students to complete their training for the use of current IT tools for archaeological survey and its representation. The geometric-analytical aspects that make it possible to create scientifically rigorous surveys for the creation of raster and vector designs, validated from a metric point of view, starting from point clouds, will be treated, illustrating the instruments used for acquisition and processing of data
The notes from the lessons, lecture notes and other printed and online materials provided by the teacher are the basis of the exam preparation.
Verification of learning will take place according to different procedures:
- conducting classroom exercises;
- an oral test that will focus on the content of the bibliography provided
The course is designed to privilege the applicative and practical aspects without neglecting the theoretical aspects. The theory will always be addressed through its application, favoring an understanding of the concepts rather than their rigorous formalization. Relevant exercises and restitution / representation will be carried out in a digital environment: - to understand the relationship between the measurement of spaces and elements of a site and their function; - to also propose various models of representation based on the different specificities of the survey
This programme is provisional and there could still be changes in its contents.
Last update of the programme: 24/02/2020