Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LMD032 (AF:317336 AR:167777)
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
The course is adressed to the students of the second term, 1st year of the MA LLEAP. It's one of the core educational activities and provides advanced knowledge of German language, literature and culture at the end of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century and suitable critical tools for reading and interpreting literary texts.
1) A deep knowledge of German prose from late Realism to Expressionism in the context of the cultural context of each period and considering some recurrent textual features. 2) The ability to focus on the complexity of literary texts of Realism and of the transformation of literary communication through semiological analysis; 3) the ability to analyse and recognize textual structural features in the contest of a philological approach; 4) the ability of expressing competent hermeneutic proposals and to report on them during the classes.
As for the rules of the Course of Studies LLEAP (BA in German, with at least 18 credits in German literature, 24 credits in German language).
Between the late 19th and the early 20th century radical paradigmatic changes take place in German culture. Through a contrastive reading of narratives and theatre of late Realism and Expressionism, we will see how such changes modify semiological structures and literary imagination, producing new anthropologies of "overcoming", a fundamental idea in Nietzsche's thought, that shall be the background of our reading.
Theodor Storm, Das Schloss, in Theodor Storm, Erzählungen, Reclam 1988, pp. 73-121 (o altre edizioni).
Theodor Storm, Schweigen, in Theodor Storm, Erzählungen, Reclam 1988, pp. (o altre edizioni).
Theodor Fontane, Effi Briest, Reclam 1986.
Theodor Fontane, Stine, Reclam 2013.
Wilhelm Raabe, Die Akten des Vogelsangs, Reclam 1988.
Thomas Mann, Buddenbrooks. Verfall einer Familie, Fischer 2012.
Gottfried Benn, Ithaka, in: Einakter und kleine Dramen des Expressionismus, Reclam 1986, pp. 90-100.
Alfred Kubin, Die andere Seite, Rowohlt 2010.
Friedrich W. Nietzsche, Sämtliche Werke: Kritische Studienausgabe in 15 Bänden, hg. von Giorgio Colli und Mazzino Montinari (a selection of works).
Stefania Sbarra. "Il confine, il confine. Dov'é?" Theodor Fontane, Friedrich Nietzsche e il Realismo tedesco, Le Lettere, Firenze 2019.

The oral exam will start with a reading and translation exercise and will cover all issues included in lectures and assigned
Front lectures, seminars and class discussions in German.
Students are required to choose a topic related to the course (after
previous consultation with Prof. Sbarra in her office hours) and discuss it
in an oral presentation.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 07/02/2020