Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0529 (AF:317144 AR:177888)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Term
Course year
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Sociology of the family and everyday life is one of the compulsory course in our program. The question of family and parental relationships is indeed of the utmost importance in the training of future social workers since it may represent the background, if not directly the object, of much of the interventions which are made in this field. Therefore this course has the aim not only to improve the sociological knowledge of our students, but it also wants to increase their capacity to analyse family-based social contexts. In so doing, it draws attention to the case of families with whom social workers have more frequently relationship with, such as migrant families, lgbt families, families of people with disabilities, and in general families that are affected by various factors of vulnerability.
Students will learn how to analyse and understand the role of families and their transformations in contemporary societies, in its fundamental elements.
The second part of the course will focus on some of the problematics topics normally associated with family lives, e.g. gender violence, sexuality and gender models, migration and transnational caregiving, and finally concluding with a focus on normative aspects concerning reproductive rights, marriage, etc.
No requirements to be mentioned.
- Sociological insights on family models and their transformations
- Influence of transnational migrations on family and caregiving relationships
Lettura integrale di "Sociologia della vita famigliare. Soggetti, contesti e nuove prospettive" di Caterina Satta, Sveva Magaraggia, Ilenya Camozzi (Carocci, 2020) [disponibile presso la biblioteca BAUM]

Capitoli 1, 2 e 7 di "Sociologia della famiglia" di Chiara Saraceno e Manuela Naldini (il Mulino, qualsiasi edizione) [disponibile presso la biblioteca BAUM]

NB: INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS who cannot read italian will have to agree with professor Marchetti on an alternative
Written exam (it can be done in English for international students)
Lectures and discussion in class
In case of necessity due to Covid-19 emergency, classes will be provided online in the same time-slots of regular teaching.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 05/09/2020