Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT011C (AF:316685 AR:158058)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
6 out of 12 of ARABIC LANGUAGE
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The course is part of the common courses in Languages of the BA degree in Cultures and Societies of Asia and the Mediterranean Africa (China, Korea and Japan) and of the BA degree in Sciences of Antiquity. This course aims to provide the first tools and methods in the linguistic and the sociological-linguistic field concerning the Arabic language.
The objectives of the course are: to develop capacity for reflection on the Arabic language and culture and to provide the basic methodological tools for linguistic analysis, and particularly for inter-linguistic comparison, since this course is offered students of Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages and cultures.
The cultural and communicative components of the course prove to be very useful also in the case of the students enrolled in studies of the degree in Ancient Sciences.
The achievement of these objectives allows the student to learn the basic level of the Arabic language and to acquire the tools for eventual subsequent deepening of the study of both the Arabic language and its culture and society.
Acquisition of basic knowledge and skills (equivalent to level A1 of CEFR) in modern standard Arabic:

1. Knowledge and understanding:
- Learning the orthographic and phonetic-phonological system of the Arabic language.
- Learning the fundamental morpho-syntactic structures of the Arabic language and the necessary vocabulary for essential communicative exchanges.
- Learning and understanding common expressions and formulas such as greeting and asking for basic information, and learning to be aware of the use of certain pragmatic dispositifs that allow the relevant conduct of some communication exchanges.

2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- Ability to read, understand and translate simple texts in standard modern Arabic.
- Ability to produce simple sentences in standard modern Arabic, at oral and written level.
- Ability to participate in simple communication exchanges and to have a successful result.
As established by the program of studies of the proper Degree.
- Ways of translating the verb "to have".
- The regular and irregular plural forms: morphology and concordance with the adjective.
- The dual form (nominal and verbal bending).
- The five names.
- The verb: conjugation of the verbs of the first verbal form (in perfect and imperfect).
- The simple verbal sentence.
Deheuvels, L.-W. (2011). Manuale di arabo moderno con esercizi e cd audio per l'ascolto. Edizione italiana a cura di Antonella Ghersetti, volume 1, Bologna, Zanichelli.

Manca, A. (1989). Grammatica teorico-pratica dell'arabo letterario moderno, Roma, Associazione Naz. Amicizia Italo-Araba.

Solimando Salem, Imparare l’arabo conversando, Roma, 2011.

Additional materials will be provided by the teacher, and will be available online (moodle).
Written exam consisting of:

- vocalization of a phrase .
- translation of a simple text from Arabic to Italian.
- translation of simple sentences from Italian to Arabic.
- exercises on grammar topics treated during the course.
- Frontal and interactive lessons.
- Group exercises (peer coaching).

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "International cooperation" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 13/04/2019