Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
CT0308 (AF:316490 AR:170048)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
Provide students with the elements of theory and practice for:
- understanding of the constituent materials of the works of art: paintings on canvas, wooden sculpture, and the problems of degradation;
- restoration project
- restoration on polychrome works of art;
- scientific approach to preventive conservation and to the conservative and aesthetic restoration of the artefact, with reference to the microclimate and museum conservation, and to the dissemination of the results.
Particular attention to the study of terminology (materials, techniques, degradation phenomena, products and restoration methods).
Basic knowledge of the execution techniques, degradation phenomena, analysis program for a correct restoration project in collaboration with other professionals (restorers, art historians, etc.)
Minimum knowledge of art history and artistic techniques and materials
1. Theoretical part
Constitutive materials and techniques of a work of art (canvas paintings, paintings on wood, wooden sculpture): support, preparatory layers, pictorial layers and gilding, protective layers;
Scientific analysis and documentation;
Training of the professional figure of the restorer; Codice dei Beni Culturali D.M. 86 e 87 del 26 maggio 2009; ECCO ethical codes; the definition of the figure of the Conservator-Restorer (ICOM-cc document);
Presentation of case studies, with images, videos and multimedia supports;
Study visits;
The sources in the restoration (outline);
Lifelong learning: specialized libraries, sitography, conferences.

2. Laboratory
Artistic techniques: creation of mock ups (supports, preparation, polychromy, gilding);
Model tests of restoration operations (cleaning, pictorial integration);
Analysis and recognition of the constitutive materials of the work (wood), also with sampling and observation under microscope.
1. Notes from the lessons and articles provided by the teacher during the course.
2. Tonini, F., Scultura lignea. Tecniche e materiali. Manuale per allievi restauratori, Il Prato, Saonara (PD) 2015; pp. 15-18, 26-75, 81-116, 123-125, 137-149;
3. De Luca, D., I manufatti dipinti su supporto tessile. Vademecum per allievi restauratori, Il Prato, Saonara (PD) 2015, pp. 21-46;
4. Ciatti, M., Castelli, C., Santacesaria, A., Dipinti su tavola. La tecnica e la conservazione dei supporti, Edifir, Firenze 2012, pp. 73-130;
5. Diodato, S.P., I buoni colori di una volta, Menabò, Ortona 2010 e succ. ed., limitatamente agli argomenti trattati durante il Corso;
6. Frezzato, F. (a cura di), Il libro dell'arte di Cennino Cennini, Neri Pozza, Vicenza 2011, limitatamente agli argomenti trattati durante il Corso.
link a DOCUMENTO ICOM-cc 1984

Tecniche esecutive di un dipinto su tavola (Getty - rif. Cennini)
link Getty dipinto su tavola_tecniche

Tecniche esecutive di una scultura lignea barocca (Getty - rif. Cennini)
link La Roldana_scultura lignea barocca

Kress Delaware - Tecniche e materiali (vari supporti)
link Kress Delaware_tecniche e materiali
La pittura su tavola - Accademia Belle Arti di Firenze

CNR Ivalsa - Istituto del legno
link CNR Ivalsa_xiloteca
link Xiloteca
link XILOGLOS_glossario legno CNR Ivalsa

Abete di risonanza (Picea abies Karst.) per violini etc.
link Bosco dei violini_abete rosso

Manetti battiloro - video
link Manetti battiloro

Battiloro Giappone - video
link Battiloro Giappone
link a manifattura foglia oro - Germania

“A Masterly Hand” - pubblicazione dell’Institute Royale du Patrimoine Artistique di Bruxelles (Sant’Anna Metterza visualizzata all’interno del tronco - pagg. 218-227)
link alla pubblicazione KIKIRPA Bruxelles

Terminologia Getty Conservation Institute – Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Historico
Materiali e tecniche costruttivi altari lignei di epoca barocca – in inglese e spagnolo
Si apre su pc (sul notebook può avere qualche difficoltà) (pagina iniziale) (prima pagina per la ricerca)
alle voci: “Altarpieces: Illustrated Basic Terminology” e “Documento de Retablos 2002” (spagnolo o inglese)
Final written exam with 5 closed-ended questions and 3 open-ended questions on the general program.
Preparation of a PowerPoint presentation on laboratory activities to be sent to the teacher before the exam.
The final grade is given by checking the level of learning through participation in the lessons (minimum 70%). Account will be taken of: commitment, concentration, attention, collaboration, punctuality, order and manual skills.
Projector, PC, laboratory equipment.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "International cooperation" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 02/02/2020