Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
CM0029 (AF:316267 AR:169680)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The course is part of the core educational activities of the Master's Degree [CM7] Sustainable Chemistry and Technologies, it allows the students to acquire the basic knowledge and the understanding of physical chemistry of solids and of Colloid and Surface physical chemistry. The aims of the course are: a) the understanding of the most significant structural properties of the crystalline systems, with some references to the X-ray diffraction technique and theory, b) an introductory overview on the study of the surface and stability of the colloidal systems.
1.Knowledge and understanding
To know and to be familiar with the theoretical basis of the structures of solids (in particular crystalline solids), with the relation between direct and reciprocal lattice, with the properties of a surface and of colloidal systems.

2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
Ability to: calculate some structural parameters of the crystalline systems, obtain the unit cell parameters from the X-ray diffraction patterns, calculate the specific surface area from physisorption measurements, select the more suitable surfactants for an emulsion.

3. Judgment skills
Ability to evaluate, in a reasoned manner, experimental results associated to crystalline or colloidal systems.

4. Communication skills
To use in an appropriate way the terminology and the symbolism learnt during the course.
To interact with the teachers and the classmates in a dynamic, effective and proper way,

5. Learning ability
To take notes during classes in a proper way, evidencing the topics according to their importance
The prerequisites of the course are the training objectives of the Physical Chemistry courses. It is necessary for the students to know the theoretical foundations and basic applications of the differential and integral calculus, the kinematics, the dynamics and the physical chemistry, in particular thermodynamics.
The course contents can be divided in two parts: 1) physical chemistry of solids
2) physical chemistry of surface and colloids

FIRST PART: Physical chemistry of solids.
Nucleation and growth. Symmetry of molecules and crystal structures. Short-Range Order versus Long-Range Order. Amorphous materials. Lattice, unit cells, and crystal structures. Points, directions, and planes in the unit cell. Imperfections in the atomic and ionic arrangements. X-ray diffraction. Bragg and Scherrer equations. Fourier transform. Reciprocal lattice.

SECOND PART: Physical chemistry of surface and colloids.
Colloids and surface chemistry: general aspects. Specific surface area. Sedimentation and diffusion. Rheology of fluids and dispersions. Surface tension and contact angle. Surfactants. Emulsions. Colloidal structures. Adsorption at gas-solids interfaces.
Lesson notes
Part 1.
D. R. Askeland, P. P. Fulay, W. J. Wright, The science and engineering of materials, Cengage Learning, 2011.
P.W.Atkins, J De Paula, Chimica Fisica, Zanichelli, 2012
Part 2
P.C Hiemenz and R. Rajagopalan, Principles of Colloid and Surface Chemistry (Marcel Dekker, 1997).J. Lyklema, Fundamentals of Interface and Colloids Science (Academic Press,1991).D. Myers, Surfaces, Interfaces and Colloids (Wiley-VCH,1999).Autori Vari Chimica Fisica dei colloidi e delle interfasi (CLUP 1985).
The assessment of learning takes place through an oral test during which the student must respond by demonstrating knowledge of the topics covered in the course. The student will be asked to illustrate, using the correct mathematical formalisms and the appropriate language, the most suitable physical models useful to describe the physical property discussed. He will have to demonstrate that he has understood both the formal aspect (use of the calculation techniques learned during the course) and the physical approximations inherent to each model.
The oral exam will last between 30-45 minutes and the evaluation will take into account the knowledge of the topics dealt with attention to the following aspects:
- Correct setting of the problem (definition of fundamental quantities, hypothesis and model adopted), the use of the mathematical formalism and knowledge of its physical interpretation.
-The exposure capacity (clarity, linearity and language properties)
Teaching will be provided through lectures
Accessibility, Disability and Inclusion

Accommodation and support services for students with disabilities and students with specific learning impairments:
Ca’ Foscari abides by Italian Law (Law 17/1999; Law 170/2010) regarding supportservices and accommodation available to students with disabilities. This includes students with mobility, visual, hearing and other disabilities (Law 17/1999), and specific learning impairments (Law 170/2010). In the case of disability or impairment that requires accommodations (i.e., alternate testing, readers, note takers or interpreters) please contact the Disability and Accessibility Offices in Student Services:
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 12/07/2020