Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
CT0555 (AF:316215 AR:169605)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
This course of lectures will provide basic knowledge about available non invasive and non destructive diagnostic techniques for the investigation of art and architecture artefacts and materials, and of related traditional art techniques.
Attending lectures and self study of course contents (slides and lecture notes, reference texts) will allow students to reach the following goals:

1. knowledge and understanding
● to know main non invasive and non destructive diagnostic techniques currently available
● to understand physical and chemical principles of described techniques
● to know advantages and limitations, and applicability of these techniques to art and architecture materials and artefacts
● to know related technical and scientific vocabulary

2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
● to know how to perform a basic analysis of issues related to diagnostic investigation of artefacts and relationships with constituent materials and applicable techniques
● to know how to correctly apply technical and scientific vocabulary in all processes, including communication of acquired knowledge

3. Judgement
● to know how to evaluate potentially applicable techniques to artefacts under examination according to their analytical capabilities and to required queries
● to know how to formulate and argue basic hypothesis of diagnostic investigation of an artefact, also developing a critical approach to the protocol to apply
4. Communication skills
● to know how to interact with other students and with the professor in a critical and educationally responsible manner
● to know how to communicate own evaluations to other conservation sector professionals with suitable terminology

5. Ability to learn
● to know how to correctly take notes, critically evaluate and share them in a collaborative way
● to know how to critically examine suggested texts and bibliography

Basics of Chemistry, Physics and Biology are required
- Classification of historical, artistic and archeological artefacts according to their constituent materials and related degradation forms
- Description of available non invasive and non destructive diagnostic techniques for the investigation of art and architecture materials and artefacts
- M. Martini, A. Castellano, E. Sibilia. Elementi di Archeometria - Metodi fisici per i Beni Culturali (Egea Ed. 2004)
- A. Napoli, C. Pelosi, V. Vinciguerra. Principi di analisi spettroscopica con applicazioni ai beni culturali (Aracne Ed. 2010)
- S. Siano. Archeometria e restauro. L’innovazione tecnologica (Nardini Ed. 2015)- O. Piccolo, E. Puppin, Tecniche diagnostiche per i beni culturali (Maggioli Ed. 2008)
- M. Matteini, R. Mazzeo, A. Moles. La chimica nel restauro. I materiali dell’arte (Nardini Ed. 2016)

- Selected papers from national and international scientific journals
The written test, based on 18 multiple-choice questions, to be completed in 2 hours, will be focused on specific arguments discussed during the lectures. The written examination will verify the student knowledge and critical interpretation capabilities related to non invasive and non destructive diagnostic investigation of artefacts and related materials. No books, notes or electronic devices are admitted during the text

teacher up-front lessons in combination with slides
Modification to syllabus will be pointed out during the lectures.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 21/05/2019