Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
EM4063 (AF:315914 AR:169286)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Term
Course year
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The teachin is core for the master's degree programme in Amministrazione, finanza e controllo. It aims to provide the essential knowledge relating to the main financial derivative products - forwards/futures, options and swaps -, with particular attention to their pricing and to hedge the risks associated with their trading. Software tools are also used in the course.
1. Knowledge and understanding:
1.1. technically knowing the main financial derivative products;
1.2. understanding and being able to use the quantitatives for pricing.

2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
2.1. applying the appropriate quantitative models for solving operational problems;
2.2. implementing financial calculations by software tools.

3. Judgement skill:
3.1. interpreting the results coming from financial analyses and calculations;
3.2. understanding pros and cons of the quantitative models learned.
Keeping fresh in mind the educational objectives of the following teachings of the bachelor's degree programme in the economic area: Mathematics - 1, Mathematics - 2, Computational Tools for Management, Financial Mathematics.
- Recall of elements of classical financial mathematics.
- Items on stocks.
- Forwards and futures: hedging strategies; pricing models.
- Options: hedging strategies; pricing models.
- Swaps.
- Hull J. (2018) "Opzioni, utures e altri derivati", Pearson-Prentice Hall, Milano [Reference textbook].
- Hull J. (2018) "Opzioni, futures e altri derivati: Manuale delle soluzioni", Pearson-Prentice Hall [Reference textbook].

- Materiale didattico disponibile nella piattaforma di e-learning Moodle.

- Rubinstein M. (2005) "Derivati", Il Sole 24 Ore [Integrative reading].
- Wilmott P. (2003) "Introduzione alla finanza quantitativa", Egea [Integrative reading].
The exam consists in two homeworks and in a written test.
The homeworks: 1) must be carried out by using a spreadsheet or a software tool; 2) must be carried out in groups; 3) are valid for the whole academic year and not beyond; 4) their carrying out must be sent by e-mail no later than a pre-established deadline (the e-mail address and the deadline will be indicated during the course).
The written test: 1) has a duration of 80 minutes; 2) involves two exercises and one questions; 3) it is possible to use a formulary drawn up by the student constituted by 10 formulas and a non-graphic and non-programmable scientific calculator; 4) notes or other similar material can not be consulted; 5) the carrying out must show all the necessary arrangements and all the calculations must be justified.
Regarding the evaluation: 1) each homework is worth 0 to 4 possible points, for a total from 0 to 8 points; 2) each exercise of the written test is worth 0 to 8 possible points and the question is worth 8 possible points, for a total from 0 to 28 points.
The course is articulated into:
a) lectures, also with the use of software;
b) classroom exercises;
c) individual study.
Students are strongly encouraged to actively attend classes.
- Site of the course present on the Moodle e-learning platform.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 01/12/2019