Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0451 (AF:315872 AR:169184)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Term
Course year
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The course is part of the courses that characterize the degree course of "Conservation and management of cultural heritage" and of the degree course in "Technologies for conservation and restoration”; is addressed to students of the archaeological and historical-artistic curricula. The course aims to provide the first methodological tools and the first knowledge about the history of restoration and conservation of artworks.
Objectives of the course are: to acquire the general concepts and the specific terminology of the restoration and conservation of artworks, to offer a solid and concise knowledge of the history of restoration from the fifteenth century to today, through the analysis of the changes occurred in the theoretical choices and practices.
The achievement of these objectives will allow students to know the main figures who have carried out restoration activities in Italy and at the same time be able to understand the major problems related to the conservation and restoration of the heritage.
-knowledge and understanding: course attendance and individual study will allow students to acquire the basic vocabulary of restoration, basic knowledge on the history of the discipline and on the evolution of restoration practices and methods, awareness of the main problems related to restoration work.
-ability to apply knowledge and understanding: be able to consider artworks with attention to the problems related to their conservation and restoration, to be able to critically analyse a restoration intervention, in relation to the history of restoration and to current legislation and theory.
-judgment ability: ability to evaluate the conservative history of a work of art and to understand the main transformations that occurred with the restoration interventions over time.
-communication skills: be able to use the specific lexicon of restoration in an appropriate way to describe the state of conservation of a work of art and the transformations experienced over time, to know how to compare these issues with colleagues and teachers.
-learning skills: know the main operations related to a restoration intervention, recognize the marks left by these operations on a work of art; know the main restoration methodologies and practices in their historical evolution.
No prerequisite is required.
After presenting the specific vocabulary of the discipline, the course will introduce problems related to the conservation and restoration of painting and sculpture, dealing with the restoration of monuments only for those periods when this activity was particularly significant for the general theory of restoration. Among the topics, particular attention will be paid to: Maratta, Bernini, Algardi e Boselli as restorers; theoretical discussion in XVIIIth and XIXth centuries (Edwards, Winckelmann, Cavaceppi, Canova e Thorwaldsen); handbooks of restoration of paintings by Secco Suardo and Forni; debate about architectural restoration in XIXth century (especially Violet le Duc, Boito, Ruskin e Riegl); Giovanni Battista Cavalcaselle and his restorers; "carte del restauro" in XIXth century; Cesare Brandi's theory and the contemporary debate on restoration.
Specific lessons will be dedicated to Cesare Brandi's theories and to most recent issues regarding conservation and cultural heritage (Carte del Restauro, Carta del Rischio), up to today's discussion on restorers’ skills.
Mandatory texts:
-Giuseppe Basile, Che cos'e' il restauro, Editori Riuniti, Roma 1989
-Cesare Brandi, Teoria del restauro, Einaudi, Torino 1977, pp.3-47 o edizioni successive (solo i capitoli relativi a: il concetto di restauro; la materia dell'opera d'arte; l'unita potenziale dell'opera d'arte; il tempo riguardo all'opera d'arte e al restauro: il restauro secondo l’istanza della storica; il restauro secondo l'istanza estetica)
-Stella Casiello, La cultura del restauro. Teorie e fondatori, Marsilio, Venezia 1996 o edizioni successive (solo per i 4 capitoli relativi a "Eugène Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc", "Ruskin fra architettura e restauro", "Camillo Boito e la dialettica tra conservare e restaurare", "Alois Riegl").
-Alessandro Conti, Vicende e cultura del restauro, in Storia dell'arte, Einaudi, Torino 1981, vol.X, pp.39-112
-Orietta Rossi Pinelli, Chirurgia della memoria: scultura antica e restauri storici, in Memoria dell'antico nell'arte italiana, a cura di S.Settis, Einaudi, Torino 1986, vol.III, pp.183-250.

Each student must choose in this list a text to review:
-Arte contemporanea. Conservazione e restauro, Atti del colloquio sul restauro dell'arte moderna e contemporanea (prato, 4-5 novembre 1994), Nardini Editore, Firenze 1994
-Ciancabilla Luca e Maino Giuseppe, Progettare il restauro. Tre secoli di indagini scientifiche sulle opere d'arte, Nardini, Firenze
-Brandi Cesare, Il patrimonio insidiato: scritti di tutela del paesaggio e dell’arte, Editori Riuniti, Roma 2001
-Cordaro Michele, Restauro e tutela. Scritti scelti (1969-1999), Annali dell'Associazione Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli, Graffiti Editore, Roma 2003
-Dal decalogo Edwards alla Carta del restauro: pratiche e principi del restauro dei dipinti, Atti di una giornata di studi tenuta all’Accademia di belle arti di Venezia a cura di Vanni Tiozzo, Il prato, Padova 2000
-Dipinti e sculture del trecento e quattrocento restaurati in Veneto, a cura di Anna Maria Spiazzi, Fabrizio Magani, Canova, Treviso 2005
-Giovanni Secco Suardo. La cultura del restauro tra tutela e conservazione dell’opera d’arte, atti del convegno (Bergamo, 9-11 marzo 1995), supplemento al n. 98 del «Bollettino d’Arte», 1997
-Il restauro dei dipinti nel secondo Ottocento : Giuseppe Uberto Valentinis e il metodo Pettenkofer, a cura di Giuseppina Perusini, Forum, Udine 2002
-Maria Ida Catalano, Brandi e il restauro. Percorsi del pensiero, Nardini Editore, Firenze 1998
-Melucco Vaccaro Alessandra, Archeologia e restauro. Tradizione e attualità, Il Saggiatore, Milano IIed. 2002
-Sarti Maria Giovanna, Il restauro dei dipinti a Venezia alla fine dell'ottocento. L’attività di Guglielmo Botti, Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti, Venezia 2004
-Scicolone Giovanna C., Il restauro dei dipinti contemporanei: dalle tecniche di intervento tradizionali alle metodologie innovative, Nardini Editore, Firenze 2002
-Urbani Giovanni, Intorno al restauro, a cura di B.Zanardi, Skira, Milano 2000
-Vlad Borrelli Licia, Restauro archeologico. Storia e materiali, Viella, Roma 2003
-Vlad Borrelli Licia, Conservazione e restauro delle antichità. Profilo storico, Viella, Roma 2010
-Vlad Borrelli Licia, Etica della conservazione e tutela del passato,
a cura di Giuseppe Basile, Giuseppina Lauro e Almamaria Mignosi Tantillo, Viella, Roma 2012
-Zanardi Bruno, Conservazione, restauro e tutela. 24 dialoghi, Skira, Milano 1999

Texts or students who didn't attend the course:
Conti Alessandro, Storia del restauro e della conservazione delle opere d'arte, Electa, Roma 2002
Cristina Giannini, Roberta Roani, Dizionario del restauro e della diagnostica, Nardini Editore, Firenze, 2000
The exam consists of a written two-hour test, during which students will have to answer 4 questions
on the topics of the course. In addition to these 4 questions, students will have a fifth question to review one of the optional texts in the list.
Each question will be assigned a grade from 0 to 6, which will compose the final mark of the test.
The exam aims to verify the basic knowledge presented during the lessons and displayed in the didactic materials present in the moodle platform of the university, where some examples of written tests proposed for the exam will also be available.
During the exam, the use of books, notes or electronic devices is not permitted.
Lectures that also use educational resources in the form of powerpoint available on the e-learning platform of These materials propose analysis of restoration interventions, of the past and of the present, and integrate with news and images the case studies presented by the reference texts.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Cities, infrastructure and social capital" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 29/03/2019