- Academic year
- 2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- CT0536 (AF:315841 AR:169178)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 9
- Degree level
- Bachelor's Degree Programme
- Educational sector code
- FIS/03
- Period
- 2nd Semester
- Course year
- 1
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
The instructional goals of the course are:
1) Development of the capability to solve classical Mechanics and Thermodynamic problems, by applying their main laws;
2) Stimulating the use of a correct logical-deductive reasoning in the resolution of problems and in general within the activities related to the learning;
3) Development of the capability to present, in oral and written form, concepts and scientific reasoning in a formal and rigorous way;
Expected learning outcomes
1.1. To know and understand the main physics laws concerning the classical treatment of physical phenomena.
2. Capability of applying knowledge and comprehension
2.1. To use the learned physical laws and concepts for the resolution of theoretical or practical problems, with a logical and deductive approach.
2.2. To know how the learned concepts may find application in the study of systems in the environment.
3. Judgment
3.1. To evaluate the logical consistency of the results arising from the application of the learned physical laws.
3.2. To critically evaluate and recognize the presence of mistakes, by a correct evaluation of the method used and of the numerical results.
4. Communication skills
4.1. To communicate both the knowledge and the effects of its applications using a proper scientific language.
Presentation of the course.
Position vector, velocity and acceleration. Mean and instantaneous velocity. Equations of motion in one and more dimensions. One-dimensional motion: uniform, and uniformly accelerated. Tangential and centripetal acceleration. Circular motion: uniform and uniformly accelerated. Harmonic motion.
Gravitational and Inertial mass. Newton's laws. Gravitational force, reactions and tension on a wire. Newton's third law. Friction between solid surfaces: static and dynamic case. Friction in viscous media and terminal velocity. Energy. Kinetic Energy and Work. Work done by the gravitational force, by frictional forces and by harmonic forces. Conservative forces, potential energy and conservation of mechanical energy. Energetic balance with and without non-conservative forces.
Definition of center of mass velocity. Theorem of the motion of the center of mass. Conservation of linear momentum. Collisions. Impulse theorem. Momentum of a Force. Koenig theorem.
Gravitational interaction, field, potential energy function.
Electric chage. Coulomb's law. Electric field and electric potential. Gauss' law.
Capacitors. Electric current, Ohm's law, resistors.
Magnetic field, Lorentz's force, Ampère's law.
Time-dependent fields. Maxwell's equations. Wave equation. Planar and Spherical waves. Harmonic waves. Sound waves. Electromagnetic waves. Intensity of waves. Geometric optics.
Referral texts
P. MAZZOLDI, M. NIGRO, C. VOCI: Fisica, Volume I, EdiSES, Napoli.
P. MAZZOLDI, M. NIGRO, C. VOCI: Fisica, Volume II, EdiSES, Napoli.
These textbooks present in-depth discussions of the physical phenomena that are at a higher level than expected by a first-year student; only the material discussed during the lectures will be required to successfully complete the exam.
Assessment methods
The written exam consists of a series of exercises, to be numerically solved justifying the used methods. The student has to demonstrate both to have acquired the concepts provided during the class and to be able to apply them coherently in the problems resolution. The duration of the written exam is 2 and 1/2 hours. During the written exam, the use of a scientific calculator and of a formulae sheet is allowed, but the use of notes, textbooks and electronic devices is prohibited.
The exam is passed with a minimum acceptable grade of 18/30 and a highest achievable grade of 30/30 (possibly cum laude).
Type of exam
Teaching methods
Furthermore, in the moodle platform of the University will be present the possible didactic material presented as well as powerpoint projections in the classroom, as well as solved examples of previous exams.