- Academic year
- 2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- LM2400 (AF:315061 AR:172744)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 6
- Degree level
- Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
- Educational sector code
- L-LIN/02
- Period
- 1st Semester
- Course year
- 2
- Where
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
-At least 36 CFU of Japanese language L-OR / 22.
-At least 24 CFU of Japanese literature L-OR / 22. For example: Japanese literature 1 [6 CFU]; Japanese literature 2 [6 CFU]; Japanese literature 3 [6 CFU]; Modern and Contemporary Japanese Literature [6 CFU],.
-At least 18 credits in the scientific-disciplinary sectors L-LIN / 01 and L-LIN / 02. For example: Japanese linguistics L-LIN / 01 [6 CFU], Glottodidactics (Japan) [L-LIN / 02], Textual translation and cultural translation [L-LIN / 02].
Ministry Declaratory of the Disciplinary Scientific Sectors (from )
It includes theoretical studies on language, the history of linguistic thought and studies in historical linguistics, with reference to the problems of change and the methodologies of comparison and reconstruction; it also includes the study of linguistic variation, plurilingualism and linguistic contact, sociolinguistic and ethnolinguistic themes. It includes, in the context of the application methodologies of language, the study of phono-acoustic, morphosyntactic and lexicographic aspects also with descriptive applications in languages and dialects, as well as psycholinguistics, the study of linguistic pathologies, the interactions between linguistics and informatics and problems of linguistic education. It also includes the study of Baltic languages and related philology.
It includes studies relating to the teaching of languages both of the mother tongue and of other spoken languages, with specific attention to the theoretical aspects, also with regard to the problem of translation, and to special languages and with particular reference to the teaching of modern foreign languages and teaching techniques. of transmission of linguistic knowledge.
Expected learning outcomes
Through constant and active participation, knowledge and understanding of:
- historical panorama of teaching the Japanese language as a Second Language (SL) and as a Foreign Language (FL)
- specific Japanese terminology related to teaching
- contemporary and future issues related to the teaching of the Japanese language (CEFR / JLPT, standard levels and mobility, etc.)
- job opportunities
- didactic tools and critical methodology
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
By actively participating, it will be possible to apply the aforementioned knowledge to the study and analysis of one's previous didactic paths, coming to formulate critical and original group proposals.
Judgment autonomy
constant and active participation will lead to the achievement of critical self-awareness and consequent strengthening of the autonomy of judgment, through 'flipped classes',' active learning ', critical transformative pedagogy' and 'collaborative creativity'. The team should be able to justify each choice made.
Communication skills
The course participants will develop communication skills through group work and the constant oral, written and audiovisual exposure necessary for the development of the course.
Learning ability:
Knowing how to take notes and share them collaboratively on the online platform.
Being able to create collaborative spaces shared online
Being able to independently search for information to deepen knowledge.
Being able to critically consult the materials found and / or proposed by the teacher
Being able to consult the texts and reference materials suggested in the course bibliography
Being able to develop the skills acquired to undertake further insights on the topics covered during the course
Through group activities, research can be carried out on the following topics:
- insertion in the world of work and innovations
- field definitions and concepts
- historical panorama of the teaching of the Japanese language as SL and FL
- contemporary panorama of EU and extra-EU courses
- critical analysis and self-awareness
- identification of problems (levels, work and mobility, individual realization, the 8 European competences ...)
- Japanese LT and Alpha generation
- social responsibility and proposal for 'transfromative syllabi'
- empowerment of the individual / group in the social sector (empowerment)
The course develops as an upside-down/flipped class and active learning, further details can therefore only be provided at the beginning of the course, after having ascertained the number of participants.
Referral texts
MARIOTTI Marcella, 2017, IT development and the ‘forced’ future of language teaching: toward the de-standardization of language education and the professionalization of language teachers [Panel title: "The next generation of language education:technology and pedagogy side-by-side" by M. Mariotti, T. Aikawa, A. Mantelli] , Japanese Language Education in Europe in YOROPPA NIHONGO KYOIKU, The Association of Japanese Language Teachers in Europe (AJE), vol. 22, pp. 111-119 (open access).
MARIOTTI Marcella, 2020, Action Research Zero (ARZ) Workshop: Is an ‘absolute beginner’ learner really a ‘zero-beginner’? [Panel paper. Panel title: Is a ‘zero’ always a ‘zero’? From ‘blank-learners’ to ‘maieutic teachers’ , with Hosokawa H., Ichishima N.] in YOROPPA NIHONGO KYOIKU, vol. 24, pp. 240-250 (ISSN 1745-7165) (open access)
MARIOTTI Marcella, 2020,No-Level Brick Foreign Language Education: Definition of the Field and Explanation of the Purposes – Japanese Language Classroom as Case Study [Panel paper. Panel title: "No-Level Brick - NOLBRICK Foreign Language Education:Exploration of its Potential and Challenges" by M. Mariotti, T. Kojima, C. Alessandrini] in IAFOR INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION, OFFICIAL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS (open access)
MARIOTTI Marcella, 2020, Including ‘Whom’? Including ‘in Where’? Foreign Language Teaching as Deboxing System , Proceedings of the 25TH Princeton Japanese Pedagogy Forum, Princeton University, pp. 429-451, Convegno: The 25th Princeton Japanese Pedagogy Forum, 11-12 Maggio 2020 (open access)
Hosokawa-Mariotti 2013:
MINELLO Rita, Anticipazioni di pedagogia critico-radicale nel pensiero di Antonio Gramsci / Anticipations of critical-radical pedagogy in thought of Antonio Gramsci. In: MARGIOTTA U (a cura di). Oltre la pedagogia critica, verso un nuovo realismo: sentieri / Beyond the critical pedagogy, towards a new realism: trails. Formazione & Insegnamento European Journal of Research on Education and Teaching. Numero monografico XII(4), 2014, pp. 67-82 (open access).
佐藤 慎司、熊谷 由理 2017「 コミュニカティブ・アプローチ再考」, 『リテラシーズ』20,pp. 1-11
Altre letture
SHIMADA Kazuko, 2012, Nihongo kyōshi ni motomerareru komyunikēshon-kyōiku nōryoku, in Noda H. 'Nihongo kyōiku no tame no komyunikēshon kenkyū', Kuroshio, pp.187-206
HOSOKAWA H.; OTSUJI E.; MARIOTTI M. (eds.), 2016, Shiminsei keisei to kotoba no kyōiku. Bogo, daini gengo, gaikokugo o koete. (Citizenship Formation and Language Education: Beyond Native, Second, and Foreign Language) , Tokyo, Kuroshio, pp. 1-244
トムソン木下千尋(編) 2016『人をつなぐ,世 界をつなぐ日本語教育』くろし お出版.
細川英雄(2012 [2010])「コミュニケーション能力育成批判ーことばの学びとは何か」、『「ことばの市民」になるー言語文化教育学の思想と実践』ここ出版、199ー204
細川英雄(2012 [2007])「対話・協働・コミュニティー学習者醜態における個人と社会」、『「ことばの市民」になるー言語文化教育学の思想と実践』ここ お出版、249ー253
Assessment methods
Non attending students: written test.
Type of exam
Teaching methods
Teaching language
Further information
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals
This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Circular economy, innovation, work" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development