Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM009N (AF:315058 AR:159730)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
This is one of the related course within the "Japan" curriculum of the graduate course in "Lingue e Civiltà dell'Asia e dell'Africa Mediterranea".
The course contributes to the attainment of the teaching goals of the graduate course in the area of language skills and includes also the more specific goals of the cultural and humanities areas.
The course aims at the comprehension of the basic structures of kanbun kundoku through the analysis of primary sources written in kanbun. This will allow a widening and a deepening of the knowledge of the Japanese literature written in Chinese that occupies a relevant place within Japanese classical literature. Moreover, the students will understand the changes occurred in the Japanese language after its encounter with the Chinese language.
In addition, the course will see the participation of renown international experts in the field.
Knowledge and understanding:
- to know and understand the basic structure of kanbun kundoku reading system
- to know useful tools to conduct independently bibliographic research
- to know and understand the changes occurred in the Japanese language after its encounter with the Chinese language.
- to deepen the knowledge of the Japanese historical texts written in Chinese that occupy a relevant place within Japanese classical literature.

Applying knowledge and understanding:
- to analyze and interpret Japanese historical texts written in Chinese by using concepts and tools which the students aquire in this course.
- to use bibliographic references in different languages (included Japanese)
- to conduct new and interdisciplinary researches

Making judgements:
- to produce critical judgments on the textual and historical-literary phenomena that are part of the program
- to subject various types of sources (academic and creative texts) to critically analize.

- to express one's opinion in an effective way
- to re-elaborate and express in an effective way the opinions of other people

Lifelong learning skills:
- to know how to conduct bibliographic research
- to know how to critically integrate the study of different materials (notes, slides, manuals, creative texts, academic articles)
- to be able to read and re-elaborate in a synthetic way materials written in different languages
Advanced knowledge of the Japanese modern language, good knowledge of Classical Japanese grammar, elementary kanbun.
In pre-modern Japan, how kanji and kanbun were employed to compose texts? Which elements of chinese writing contributed to the formation of the Japanese language and writing? How texts imported from the continent were studies in Japan?
During this course we will study the cultural background and literacy that leaded to the birth of the Japanese literature, by the direct reading of original texts from the ancient period up to the middle-age.
Aim of the course is to deepen the comprehension of Japanese literature in kanbun, developing basic knowledge and skill to read kanbun texts.
1 The coming of Chinese books (3月11日)
2 The dawn of kanbun literature (1) (3月11日)
3 The dawn of kanbun literature (2)  (3月12日)
4 Basis of literacy (3月12日)
5 The Nihon ryōiki (1)  (3月16日)
6 The Nihon ryōiki (2)  (3月17日)
7 Kūkai’s writings (1)   (3月18日)
8 Kūkai’s writings (2) (3月18日)
9 Poetry and literature by Sugawara no Michizane (1) (3月19日)
10 Poetry and literature by Sugawara no Michizane (2) (3月19日)
11 The Tale of Genji and the kanbun literature (1)  (3月23日)
12 The Tale of Genji and the kanbun literature (2)  (3月24日)
13 The Wakanrōeishū (3月25日)
14 Provebs and idiomatic expressions from the Chinese(3月25日)
15 The world of kunten documents (3月26日)
The texts will be agreed upon with the students in class or provided by the instructor.
N.B. Causa emergenza coronavirus, l'esame è stato modificato nel modo seguente.
Tipologia: report (tesina)
Istruzioni: Per ciascuno degli appelli verranno caricate su Moodle tre tracce (domande) relative al contenuto delle 15 lezioni del corso. Gli studenti che sostengono l’esame in quell’appello dovranno scegliere una delle tre tracce, scrivere il proprio report, e caricare il file relativo su Moodle nello spazio che verrà indicato. Il tempo per scrivere il report e caricare il file è di una settimana, a partire dalla pubblicazione delle tracce. Non saranno accettati gli elaborati caricati oltre la data e l’orario stabilito.
N.B.: gli studenti che sostengo l’esame dovranno comunque iscriversi all’appello relativo entro i tempi stabiliti, come avviene per tutti gli altri esami.
Lingua: Giapponese. Siete pregati di usare uno stile di scrittura adatto a un report. La correttezza grammaticale dell’elaborato non influirà sul voto finale dell’dell’esame. Siete quindi pregati di scrivere con chiarezza, concentrandovi sul contenuto del report. Lunghezza dell’elaborato: Da un minimo di 1500 a un massimo di 2000 caratteri giapponesi (punteggiatura e spazi inclusi).
Tipi di file accettati: PDF e Microsoft Word DOC, DOCX.
The course will be structured into:
- 15 classroom lectures (Professor KONO Kimiko, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan)

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 20/05/2020