Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM5720 (AF:314690 AR:168513)
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
The course will display the role of East Asia in Contemporary History in the context of a 'longue durée' approach. This approach deals with the necessity to point out the origins of processes that only in last decades showed their consequences, which we have to confront. Taking in consideration the area as a whole, the main focus will be on the evolution of Chinese foreign relations in the last century, in search of the deep origins of the principle and perceptions which inspire till today Chinese foreign policy.
The course aim to develop a deep knowledge on the origins of the 'resurgence' of China and East Asia as the global system center. In particular, lessons will aim to develop a clear understanding of the 'longue durée' processes and perpectives, trying to present a detournement of the common perceptions on the issue.
A good knowledge of international Contemporary History is required. In particular, a clear understanding of political, economic and historical bases of International History in Asia could be useful.
The course will introduce to the wide East Asia context with a focus on historical, political ed economic issues during the last Century. Lessons will point out the 'long durée''s processes and their influences in decisive historical moments and political choices.
The second part of the course will focus on China's international relations, lasting from the XIX Century Great Depression till present days, with a special attention on the economic aspects of the global system. The course will try to put in evidence the ideological, political, economic structures that influenced the main historical moments of the century.
The third part of the course will focus on the last twenty years of Chinese International Relations, from the Asia economic crisis of 1998, through the evolution of EU-China relations, till the OBOR project and the recent USA-China tensions. This part of the course will be used as a test to verify the analytic concepts developed during the lessons.
Arne Westad, The Restless Empire
Roberto Peruzzi, Diplomatici, banchieri e mandarini. Le origini diplomatiche e finanziarie della fine dell'Impero Celeste, Mondadori.
2017: Roberto Peruzzi, 'Leading the way. The United Kingdom’s financial and trade relations with Socialist China, 1949–1966', Modern Asian Studies, Special Issue, N° 51:1, 2017, (disposable online).
R.Peruzzi, ‘Le relazioni tra la Repubblica Popolare Cinese e l’Unione Europea tra percezione e realtà’, in La Cina. Luci e ombre. Evoluzione politica e relazioni esterne dopo Mao, C.Meneguzzi Rostagni (a cura di), FrancoAngeli, 2010. (disposable in Unive libraries)
David Shambaugh,in La Cina. Luci e ombre. Evoluzione politica e relazioni esterne dopo Mao, C.Meneguzzi Rostagni (a cura di), FrancoAngeli, 2010
the final text of the course will be based on an oral examination.
Frontal lessons; group discussion.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 01/09/2019