- Academic year
- 2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- LM2580 (AF:314663 AR:168725)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 6
- Degree level
- Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
- Educational sector code
- L-OR/16
- Period
- 2nd Semester
- Course year
- 1
- Where
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
The seminar is organised in 15 lectures with the contributions of experts from this University and external researchers.
Expected learning outcomes
Lecture 2 - Prof. Olivieri - Villaggi, montagne e monasteri buddhisti in India del Nord e Gandhara; economia, spazio, culto (about villages, mountains, buddhist monasteries in N India/Gandhara)
Lezione 3a - Prof. Olivieri - I villaggi non buddhisti del piemonte dell’Hindukush-Karakorum. 1 (about the non-Buddhist mountain settlements of the Hindukush-Karakoram piedmont)
Lezione 3b - Prof. Biagi - Pescatori e raccoglitori preistorici del Mare Arabico. Il villaggio di Sonari (Sindh, Pakistan) (about the prehistoric coastal settlements of the Arabic Sea; Sindh, Pakistan)
Lecture 4 - Prof. Olivieri - I villaggi non buddhisti del piemonte dell’Hindukush-Karakorum. 2 (about the non-Buddhist mountain settlements of the Hindukush-Karakoram piedmont)
Lecture 5 - Dr. Micheli (MIBACT Trieste) - Il villaggio protostorico indiano: abitare tra le montagne, il "Northern Neolithic" (Kashmir e Swat) (about the Northern Neolithic rural settlements of Kashmir and Swat)
Lecture 6 - Prof. Dahnhart - Il villaggio nella letteratura vernacolare (about the Village in vernacular literature)
Lecture 7 - Prof. Squarcini - Ai limiti del ‘villaggio’. Sull’ontologia politica del fare e tener fermi i confini del ‘mondo’ (loka) nel Mānavadharmaśāstra (spaces and villages with reference to the Mānavadharmaśāstra)
Lecture 8 - Prof. Drocco - Il rapporto fra lingua hindi e dialetto nei villaggi dello Hindi Belt (about the relationship between Hindi and dialects)
Lecture 9 - Prof. Beggiora - Da vana a gaon: indagine sullo spazio sacro fra foresta e villaggio nell'India adivasi (about forest and village in the adivasi Indian space)
Lecture 10 - Prof. Vidale (Università di Padova) Il villaggio protostorico indiano: la Valle dell’Indo (Villages in the Indus Valley/Harappa)
Lecture 11 - Prof. Mondini - Dimensione e idea di villaggio nelle produzioni artistiche di inizio Novecento, tra percezioni e costruzioni (on the perception of the "village" in the art of the early-20th century)
Lecture 12 - Dr. Confortin - Kinnaur Himalaya, al confine tra ordine e caos + Prof. Pellò [to be confirmed]
Lecture 13 - Prof. Rigopoulos - La trasformazione di un villaggio in luogo di pellegrinaggio: il caso di Shirdi nello Stato del Maharashtra (about the transformation of a village in a pilgrimage place: a case study)
Lecture 14 - [to be attributed]
Lecture 15 - Prof. Baums (University of Munich) - Theme: villages, towns and sanctuaries in the Gandhari Buddhist texts [title to be confirmed]
The following expert will also probably join the Seminar:
Prof. Cacopardo (Firenze University) - Theme: villaggi e insediamenti del Peristan (Hindukush) [title to be confirmed] (about the Peristani/Hindukush mountain villages) [title and date to be confirmed]
Referral texts
Assessment methods
Evaluation will consider attendance and the submission of a paper or presentation on one of themes presented during the seminar (see below).
Type of exam
Teaching methods
The last part of every class will be devoted to actively discuss the main topics.
Teaching language
Further information
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals
This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Cities, infrastructure and social capital" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development