Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
ET0032 (AF:313266 AR:167467)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Surnames Lb-Z
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
4th Term
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The course is one of the activities of the degree course in Economics that allows students to improve knowledge for data management through ad-hoc software and for reporting. The aim of the course is to provide the basic informatic knowledge in order to let students develop the skills to structure, process, analyse data, disclose information using informatic tools. To this goal the students will be introduced to R software and reporting techniques.
- Knowledge and understanding
- To know the basic computer terminology for both the hardware and software
- To to recognize the logical-formal structure of a problem

- Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
- To use basic terminology correctly
- To formalize a problem by constructing a suitable algorithm
- To use dedicated software for the analysis of economic-business data

- Making judgements
- To apply the computerized procedures during the economic decision process.
Fulfillment of OFAs (Additional Learning Requirements). Students must know the fundamental of Mathematics even without passing the exam.
Part I - From problems to solutions
- Defining the problem and identification of variables
- Encoding of a problem in pseudo-code
- Conditional expressions
- Cycles "for" and "while”
- Implementation of a pseudo code

Part II - Introduction to the use of spreadsheets and the R language
- Data collection and their organization in data-sheet with Excel
- The tabular representation of one or more detected variables
- Graphical representation of data sets and reporting
Statistica e calcolo con R (2015) E. Loli Piccolomini, A. Messina edizione McGraw-Hill Education (Italy) versione e-book cap. 1, 2, 3, 8 e Appendici A e B

Letture integrative

- Dispense, lucidi e altro materiale disponibile sulla piattaforma di e-learning
- Elementi di Informatica per l’Economia, Custom
Publishing, F. Luccio, McGraw-Hill Create, capp. 1, 2.
The method that will be used to assess the knowledge and skills acquired is written exam by moodle platform.

The written exam will consist of two parts:
- a first part with 15 multiple-choice items as barrier in order to test the mastery of a minimum set of basic knowledge. Students who correctly answer at least 10 questions will be admitted to the second part.
- a second part of 2 practical exercises both to test the acquirement of the topics presented during the lessons and the familiarity with R.

The two tests will weigh 50% in the final evaluation.
The course consists of frontal lessons, using R software to analize data and teaching modules available on the e-learning platform.
Students must register for the moodle platform and computer will be required during the lessons.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 11/10/2019