- Academic year
- 2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- LM5640 (AF:312998 AR:168852)
- Modality
- ECTS credits
- 6
- Degree level
- Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
- Educational sector code
- L-LIN/13
- Period
- 2nd Semester
- Course year
- 1
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
The course is linked to the course "German Language - Language and Translation" (LM0052) and aims to improve the knowledge and language skills that students acquire there, to contribute to the full achievement of level C2 of the CEFR. It is linked to the same extent and for the same purposes to the teaching of "German literature 1.1". (LM0022), "German literature 1.2". (LM0032) and "German Literature 2" (LM0042), whose content and methodology it aims to continue. In addition, it closely coordinates with the teachings of "History of German Culture 1" (LM1010) and "History of German Culture 2" (LM1020), with which it interacts in order to offer students an articulated discourse on the canon of German and Austrian literature/culture between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries.
Expected learning outcomes
1) the in-depth knowledge of the cultural, literary and historical phenomena that are the subject of the course; the development of the necessary skills to understand them (to study and critically understand the content of the lessons, the texts in the program, critical literature in German and English, and any thematic insights) [knowledge and understanding];
2) the ability to apply the knowledge acquired and duly understood (e.g. to be able to present a topic orally, to be able to write and discuss - also in preparation for the Master thesis - a short thesis in German, to be able to analyze and comment on a text in Italian or German) [applying knowledge and understanding];
3) the development of independent judgement (e.g. learning to express and justify one's own opinion in a class discussion or as part of a written exercise; being able to identify within the programme points that are difficult to understand and to ask the teacher for an account; being able to propose, on the occasion, an interpretation, a judgement, a thesis as the result of personal critical work) [making judgements];
4) the development of communication skills (e.g. being able to intervene in a class discussion, to ask questions to the teacher, to share one's work with one's classmates, to be able to synthesize and present - orally and in writing - the knowledge acquired) [communication skills];
5) the development of an effective method to consolidate the acquired knowledge and make it usable in the long term [learning skills].
Particular attention will be paid in the course to achieving a level of language knowledge that consolidates level C 2 (http://www.memorbalia.it/descrittori/dalframeworkeuropeo.pdf ), at least in oral comprehension, reading and writing skills. Reading and commentary on the language, style and rhetoric of German texts is an integral and fundamental part of the lessons. Through the chosen texts, language lessons and class discussions, the course pursues the objective of increasing and consolidating the type of linguistic knowledge that only reading (and analysis-comment-discussion in language) can give.
The expected learning outcomes are therefore a significant, significant improvement in language knowledge and skills at level C 2.
The exams are designed - of course - to verify the students' acquisition of the contents and methods just described.
Referral texts
1. Zur Vorbereitung: Die Entdeckung der Wollust. Erotische Dichtung des Barock, hrsg. V. J. Kiermeier-Debre und Fr.Fr. Vogel, München dtv 1995; Gedichte 1600-1700, hrsg. V. Christian Wagenknecht, dtv: München 1969.; Liebeslyrik des deutschen Barock, hrsg. von Curt Grützmacher, München 1965.
2. Überblicksdarstellungen zur Literatur der frühen Neuzeit
Barner, Wilfried (Hg.), Der literarische Barockbegriff, Darmstadt 1975
Glaser, Horst Albert (Hg.), Deutsche Literatur. Eine Sozialgeschichte. Bd.III (Zwischen Gegen-reformation und Frühaufklärung: Späthumanismus, Barock 1572-1740, Reinbek b. Hamburg 1985
Hoffmeister, Gerhart, Deutsche und europäische Barockliteratur, Stuttgart 1987
Meier, Albert (Hg.), Literatur des 17. Jahrhunderts. Hansers Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur. Bd.II, München 1999
Niefanger, Dirk, Barock. Lehrbuch Germanistik, Stuttgart, Weimar 2000
Szyrocki, Marian, Die deutsche Literatur des Barock. Eine Einführung, Stuttgart 1979
3. Zu allgemeinen Problemen der Literatur des 17. Jahrhunderts:
Barner, Wilfried: Barockrhetorik. Untersuchungen zu ihren geschichtlichen Grundlagen, Tübingen 1970
Dyck, Joachim: Ticht-Kunst. Deutsche Barockpoetik und rhetorische Tradition, Bad Homburg 1966
Henkel, Arthur & Schöne, Albrecht: Emblemata: Handbuch zur Sinnbildkunst des XVI. und XVII. Jahrhunderts. Stuttgart, Metzler 1967.
Schöne, Albrecht, Emblematik und Drama im Zeitalter des Barock, München 1968 (zuerst 1964)
4. Zur Lyrik des 17. Jahrhunderts
Zur Einführung: Herzog, Urs, Deutsche Barocklyrik. Eine Einführung, München 1979; Kemper, Hans-Georg: Deutsche Lyrik der frühen Neuzeit, Bd..4/II, Barockhumanismus: Liebeslyrik, Tübingen 2006; Meid, Volker (Hg.), Gedichte und Interpretationen. Bd.I (Renaissance und Barock), Stuttgart 1982. Meid, Volker: Barocklyrik. 2. Aufl. Metzler, Stuttgart 2008.
Zur Vertiefung: Borgstedt, Thomas: Kuß, Schoß und Altar. Zur Dialogizität und Geschichtlichkeit erotischer Dichtung (Giovanni Pontano, Joannes Secundus, Giambattista Marino und Christian Hoffmann von Hoffmannswaldau). In: GRM 44 (1994) 288-324 und 45 (1995) 104-109. Glaser, Horst Albert: Galante Poesie. In: Zwischen Gegenreformation und Frühaufklärung: Späthumanismus, Barock. 1572-1740. Hrsg. von Harald Steinhagen. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt 1985 , S. 394-407. Haiduk, Franz, Die Dichter der galanten Lyrik. Studien zur Neukirchschen Sammlung, Bern, München 1971; Hoffmeister, Gerhard, Petrarkistische Lyrik, Stuttgart 1973; . C.H. Beck, München 2009; Moore, David M.: Lohenstein's >Venus<: In: New German Studies. Bd. 1. 1973, S.51-66; Rasch, Wolfdietrich: Lust und Tugend. Zur erotischen Lyrik Hofmannswaldaus. In: Rezeption und Produktion zwischen 1570 und 1730. Hrsg. von Wolfdietrich Rasch, Hans Geulen und Klaus Haberkamm. Bern, München: Francke 1972, S. 447-480; Rotermund, Erwin: Christian Hofmann von Hofmannswaldau, Stuttgart 1963; Ders.: Affekt und Artistik. Studien zur Leidenschaftsdarstellung und zum Argumentationsverfahren bei Hofmann von Hofmannswaldau, München 1972; Rusterholz, Peter: Der Liebe und des Staates Schiff. Christian Hofmann von Hofmannswaldaus 'Verliebte Arie': »So soll der purpur deiner lippen ...«. In: Deutsche Barocklyrik. Gedichtinterpretationen von Spee bis Haller. Hrsg. von Martin Bircher und Alois M. Haas. Bern, München 1973, S. 265-289.; Schöberl, Joachim, "liljen=milch und rosen=purpur". Die Metaphorik in der galanten Lyrik des Spätbarock. Untersuchungen zur zur Neukirchschen Sammlung, Frankfurt/M. 1972; Wiedemann, Conrad (Hg.), Der galante Stil 1680-1730, Tübingen 1969.
Assessment methods
In short, the examination test will verify the achievement of the training objectives indicated at the beginning of this sheet.
Students are invited to use the teacher's consultation hours to verify, during the course of the work, the adequacy of the exam preparation.
Type of exam
Teaching methods
The sources and some critical texts of particular importance will be made available on the Moodle platform in pdf format.
The lessons will be held in German; the contents will be repeated and explained until they are clear to all students.
The commentary of the German texts will give great space to linguistic and stylistic analysis.
Very important is the communication between the students and the teacher: students are requested to take into account the consultation hours, during which the teacher can offer explanations and insights, clarify doubts, discuss topics.
Students are also requested to consider the lessons as open places where they can discuss topics of individual and general interest, ask questions and ask for further information. The seminar climate is the most suitable for solid and safe learning.
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals
This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development