Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0053 (AF:312600 AR:167262)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
4th Term
Course year
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The adult education course is placed in the path of Philosophy and Human Sciences and in the couse of Social Sciences and Social work.
The course aims to give theoretical and professional tools through the knowledge and practice of the autobiographical methodology whose devices derive from the phenomenological culture and from the narrative system. The training process pursues the strategy of self-learning and self-training.
a) Knowledge and ability to understand the process of adult education (life-long-wide-deep education), compared to childhood and youth age education
b) Knowledge and adult learning skill applied to existential and professional context.
c) Autonomy of judgment: analytical, personal, critical and argumentative skills, of the problems of the paths and experiences of adult life.
d) Communication skills: know how to communicate, discuss and effectively argue in Italian, or in other languages practiced, knowledge and experiences.
e) Ability to metacognitive approch, to recognize one's own learning strategy. Ability to plan a research or a self-training path individually or in groups.

Adult education, professional training, lifelong learning, autobiography

Autobiography and self-care
The course presents the adult education and Lifelong learning system at national and European level.
Difference between pedagogy and andragogy (adult education).

In particular, the course presents the process of autobiography as self-care.
Analysis of paradigms and cultural and theoretical devices of life stories
Methodology of life stories
Self-analysis of one's own development and learning process
Personal autobyography
Exam tests

Demetrio D., Educare è narrare. Le teorie, le pratiche, la cura, Cortina, Milano 2012.
F. Cambi, L'autobiografia come metodo formativo, Laterza ( testo online)
Teacher materials.

Biblio di riferimento
Associazione Treelle, Il lifelong learning e l’educazione degli adulti in Italia e in Europa Dic 2010 ( on line)
Biasin C., Le transizioni. Modelli e approcci per l’educazione degli adulti, Pensa multimedia 2013
Boutinet Jean-P. , Dominicé P., Où sont passés les adultes ? Routes et déroutes d'un âge de la vie,Téraèdre, 2009
Cambi F., La forza delle emozioni: per la cura di sé, Pacini 2015
Colaianni L., La competenza ad agire: agency, capabilities e servizio sociale, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2004
De Carlo M.E., Rileggere le competenze invisibili. Percorsi narrativi e prospettive nella formazione continua, Angeli, Milano, 2011
Demetrio D., Educare è narrare. Le teorie, le pratiche, la cura, Mimesis Milano 2013
Demetrio D., Manuale di educazione degli adulti, Laterza 2003
Frasson D., Allenare le competenze trasversali, Angeli, Milano, 2011
Meghnagi S., Il sapere professionale, Competenze, diritti, democrazia, Feltrinelli , Milano, 2005
Mezirow J., Apprendimento come trasformazione, Cortina, Milano 2003
Padoan I. Forme e figure dell'autoformazione, Pensa Lecce 2008 ( contattare il docente)
Quaglino G.P., Autoformazione, autonomia e responsabilità per la formazione di sé nell'età adulta, Cortina 2004
Schön D., Il professionista riflessivo. Per una nuova epistemologia della pratica professionale, Bari, Edizioni Dedalo, 1993

The exam is a written autobiography built during the lessons both in presence and online.
The autobiography will be built week by week from the readings. On Moodle the text of Cambi and the indications for the construction of the autobiography will be inserted
written and oral
Lectures, readings, seminars, laboratory, brainstorming
Study materials on moodle platform
Students with different credits should contact the teacher for examination papers.
SEMINARS monthly credited (

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 18/04/2020