Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0179 (AF:311999 AR:168988)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
This course is part of the Master’s Degree of Philosophical Sciences and the inter-university Master’s Degree of Religious Studies. The objective of the course is to provide an overview of the main ethical and religious issues both from a theoretical point of view and, above all, from a historical point of view. Such an overview is crucial for the development of critical thinking and for understanding the theoretical reasons within the historical and social dimensions of the ethical and political challenges of modernity; as well as for a wise and thorough evaluation of religion. Particular attention is paid to an exhaustive reading and a critical analysis of the proposed philosophical works.
Regular attendance and diligent individual study will allow students to:
a. gain an in-depth knowledge of basic philosophical terminology and understand the texts in which it is used;
b. understand the discipline’s fundamental issues and paths both from a conceptual point of view and from a historical point of view, which means to study them intelligently, grasping their sense and articulation;
c. develop independent judgment for evaluating such issues;
d. be able to critically analyze the texts proposed by the teacher;
e. demonstrate good oral and written presentation skills, in order to be able to elaborate a philosophical argument using appropriate terms;
f. finally, because it is a moral discipline, students should be aware that this course is not aimed at mere acquisition of knowledge, but also at developing a philosophical practice, as was the case in antiquity. Therefore, the course focuses on the issue of the construction of the self in philosophy as a way of life and as a way of thinking.
Knowledge of the general frameworks of history of philosophy, moral philosophy, and philosophy of religions, acquired during the Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy basic courses.
Title: Between Epictetus and Montaigne. Pascal’s Augustinian Morality.
After the “night of fire”, the mystical experience that marked his second and final conversion to Christianity of which the Mémorial is a vivid and precious testimony, Blaise Pascal retreated to the ancient Cistercian monastery of Port-Royal des Champs. He was sent there by his spiritual director who believed that the gifted mathematician, the skilled inventor admired throughout Europe, and the brilliant man of the world converted to the Christian faith, could confront M. Arnauld, who shared the same passion for scientific knowledge, and M. de Sacy who would have taught him to despise it. In Port-Royal, thanks also to the conversations with Jansenist theologians, Pascal will compose some of his most relevant philosophical and theological works and elaborate his Christian ethics. The subject of the course is the critical analysis of the “Conversation with Monsieur de Sacy on Epictetus and Montaigne” and of the “Pensées”.
1) B. Pascal, “Colloquio con il Signor de Saci su Epitteto e Montaigne”.
Of this important conversation there are several online French editions and partial Italian translations (see http://www.filosofico.net/Antologia_file/AntologiaP/PASCAL_%20TRE%20ANTROPOLOGIE%20(SU%20EPI.htm ). However, the following edition is recommended: The “Appendix” to B. Pascal, “Pensieri”, translation, introduction, and notes by P. Serini, 4. ed., Einaudi, Torino 1962, pp. 453-468, or B. Pascal, “Pensieri, Opuscoli, Lettere”, translated by A. Bausola and R. Tapella, introduction and notes by A. Bausola, Rusconi, Milano 1978, pp. 312-330.

2) B. Pascal, “Frammenti”, trans. by E. Balmas, Rizzoli, Milano 1983. This translation was chosen because the numbering of the fragments follows the criterion adopted by the Lafuma edition.

Further Reading:

If students are not able to attend the course, in addition to the “Colloquio con il Signor de Saci su Epitteto e Montaigne” and the “Frammenti”, they should also read:

G. Lettieri, “Il metodo della grazia, Pascal e l’ermeneutica giansenista di Agostino”, Edizioni Dehoniane, Rome 1999;

Or alternatively:

A. Peratoner, “Pascal”, Carocci, Rome 2011.

Forthcoming: I. Adinolfi, “L’apologia della religione cristiana di B. Pascal”. Of this volume some chapters will be provided during the course.

The exam is oral.
During the interview, the students will have to demonstrate they have gained a thorough understanding of the topics covered during the courses as well as their knowledge of the recommended texts in the program.
written and oral
The teaching is organized in a series of lectures.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 20/05/2020