Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0060 (AF:311954 AR:169026)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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Epistemology of training
The course presents an epistemological approach to training between education, training and education.
The course focuses on the complex construct (Morin) of the culture of training , of teaching and learning, through the main theoretical models ranging from transmission, to experience, to logical and technical rationality, to phenomenology, to constructivism, to narration, to the autobiography and to the systemic relational process.
To know how to think and act in educatonal and training way means to be interested in the relationship that takes place between the subjects, the elements, the context, their evolution, to the probable and/or improbable connections, to the limits and boundaries.

The course in its monographic part explore the dimension of knowing and learning (Bateson), in its the relationship with the human, social, object, contextual system (Clark, extended mind theory).

a) Knowledge and capability of understanding the main conceptions of learning and teaching in the system of complexity.
b) Knowledge and capability of learning of the theoretical systems of training and of the processes of education training practice.
c) Autonomy of judgment: capability to select the most reliable and relevant sources, critically analyze and argue the texts and the proposed work materials; autonomously process the course readings, present supporting materials to improve the knowledge of the educational training.
d) Communication skills: being able to communicate and discuss effectively in Italian, or in other languages, training experiences (including personal) and personal or group research.
e) Metacognitive thinking capacity for research and analysis

training teacher learning
The epistemic foundations of training, historical and innovative theories and training practices.
The relational structure of knowing, teaching and of learning.
The structure of the extended mind
Systemic and inter-trans-disciplinary, experiential and communicative conceptual approaches:
from Aristotle to Heidegger, to Morin theorist of complexity, Bateson theorist of relationship, Varela theorist of enactment, Clark theorist of the extended mind
Knowledge experiences: self-training, autobiography, empowerment, dissonance, paradoxes and conflicts

Testi d esame
Fabre M. Epistemologia della formazione, Cleub Bologna1999
Bateson G., Mente e natura. Un’ unità necessaria, Adelphi Milano, 1984
Materiali del docente

Testi per eventuali approfondimenti
Appadurai A., Modernità in polvere, Meltemi, Roma, 2002 (2012)Bateson G.,
AA VV, Complexity theory and the philosophy of education, edited by Mark Mason, ED. Wiley Blackwell, 2008
Bateson G., Una sacra unità, Adelphi 1997
Bateson G., Mente e natura. Un’ unità necessaria, Adelphi Milano, 1984
Bateson G., Verso un'ecologia della mente, Adelphi Milano, 1978
Bateson G., Bateson M.,C., Dove gli angeli esitano, Adelphi, 1089
Benkirane R., La teoria della complessità, Boringhieri, Torino, 2007
Bertuglia C.S., Vaio F., Complessità e modelli, Bollati Boringhieri Torino, 2011
Ceruti M., Bocchi G., ( a cura di ) La sfida della complessità, Feltrinelli Milano 2007 (1985)
De Angelis V., La logica della complessità, Mondadori, Milano, 1996
De Toni A. F., Comello L., , Viaggio nella complessità, Marsilio, Venezia 2007
Di Francesco M., Piredda G., La mente estesa. Dove finisce la mente e comincia il resto del mondo? Mondadori 2012
Jameson F., Le postmodernism, ou la logique culturelle du capitalism tardif, Beux-arts de Paris, Ministère de la culture et de la communication, Paris, 2011
Maturana, H.R., Varela, F.J., Autopoiesi e cognizione. La realizzazione del vivente, Venezia, Marsilio,1985
Morganti, Carassa A., Riva G. , Enacting Intersubjectivity: A Cognitive and Social Perspective on study, Joss press, Amsterdam, 2008
Morin E., Il metodo 3. La conoscenza della conoscenza, Feltrinelli Milano, 1989
Morin E., Relier les Connaissances, Seuil, Paris, 1999
Padoan.I., Complessità, in, Pluralità, complessità in educazione, in Pedagogia oggi, n. 1., Siped, Tecnodid, Napoli 2010
Palmieri F., Il pensiero sostenibile. Per un epistemologia del divenire, Meltemi 2003
Pasquinelli A., Nuovi principi di epistemologia, Feltrinelli, Milano, 1974
Piredda G., Di Francesco M., La mente estesa. Dove finisce la mente e comincia il resto del mondo? Mondadori 2012
Semprini A., La società di flusso, Angeli, Milano, 2003
Sennet, R., Insieme, Feltrinelli Milano 2012
Varela F.J. , E. Thompson, E. Rosch, La via di mezzo della conoscenza. Le scienze cognitive alla prova dell'esperienza (1991), Feltrinelli, Milano 1992
The final test is oral

Lectures, readings, seminars, laboratory, braistorming
English and / or French documentation
Students with different credits should contact the teacher for examination papers.
SEMINARS monthly credited (www.caffepedagogico.org)


This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 21/08/2019