Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT0900 (AF:310822 AR:176974)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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The course of Contemporary History mod. 2 deals with the historical genesis of the modern State across the late 19th and the 20th century, up to the present, reckoning with the ongoing change of the State’s functions and of the attributes of its sovereignty.
It aims to extend the students’ knowledge of the historical development of statehood, bearing in mind the current crisis and transformation of its features, with reference to contemporary European and global history in a political perspective.
The course is part of of the LCSL degree course, especially of the political-international curriculum and shares its overall aims. It virtually develops the course of contemporary history mod. 1 and contributes to developing the students' ability to understand the dynamics of historical change related the topic of contemporary statehood;
In this perspective, the course contributes to developing the students' ability to form a critical knowledge of the historical factors that are at the origin of the contemporary world, to discern the different aspects of this historical development and of today's globalized modernity. The course promotes access to primary and secondary historical sources, presenting, where possible, topics that could be explored in the final dissertation.
At the end of the course students are expected to have improved their ability to:
Place in time and space the the topic of contemporary statehood and its historical roots;
Outline the above mentioned topic in different national contexts, and where possible in a transnational and extra-European perspective;
Follow its development in a diachronic perspective;
Understand the causal relationships between the crisis and transformation of society and the forms of statehood,
Conceptualize main historical phenomena, in relation to the main historiographic theses addressed
In terms of practical and communicative skills, students are expected to have perfected:
The ability to actively follow the lectures, taking notes, formulating questions, comparing notes with the assigned study texts;
The ability to present in a coherent, clear and distinct way the topics covered by the oral test.
The identification of subjects of particular interest is encouraged, which can be explored in the final dissertation
The course assumes that students do possess a degree of knowledge of 19th and 20th century history in line with the knowledge and competence acquired at the end of the courses of Contemporary History Mod. I. An honest action of self-assessment of one's own preparation is therefore recommended
The expansion, crisis and transformation of the European State, from the colonial and imperial expansion connected to the construction of Nation-states in mid- and late 19th century;
The acquirement of new functions in the protection of society which led to the Welfare states, then the dismantling of welfare systems and the affirmation of neoliberal policies.
Particular attention will be devoted to the warfare-welfare nexus emerged during the interwar period, to the extension of mass consumption systems, to the forms of civil, social and political citizenship.
All students:
Charles S. Maier, Leviathan 2.0. La costruzione dello Stato moderno, Einaudi, Turin, 2018.

Students attending classes, in addition to Maier and the lessons proceedings, will study chapter 4 of the volume by Kiran K. Patel, Il New Deal. Una storia globale, Einaudi, Turin, 2018. The chapter will be uploaded to the moodle platform as teaching material, along with the texts and materials presented in the lesson, which will form the examination program;

Students non attending classes will study, in addition to Maier, Patel in its entirety.
The examination is oral, is intended to test the acquisition of the contents and abilities above indicated, and consists of at least three questions to be developed in about 30 minutes.
In particular, the first question aims to verify the ability to frame the topic of contemporary statehood in one of the spatial and temporal contexts addressed in the course, along with the mastery of precise content and the ability to articulate it in clear and effective terms;
The second question aims to verify the ability to make connections and conceptualizations, to identify links of relationship and causality between the phenomena addressed, and to orient oneself in the historiographic literature mentioned in the;
The third question aims, with the support of the teaching materials presented, to exemplify the ability to read and contextualize a historical source
Lctures, with the support of teaching materials (images, texts, maps). Presentation and commentary of primary sources, both textual and iconographic. Questions and critical comments by the students are appreciated
This syllabus may be subject to changes before the beginning of the courses.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 29/04/2020