Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT002V (AF:310819 AR:176294)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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The course of Portuguese and Brazilian Literature 1 is common to all curricula available in Language, Civilisation and the Science of Language. The course aims to provide to students political historical-literary material to understand and confront the surrealist practices in Portugal and the cultural actions provided by the Portuguese dictatorial regime, such as the Politics of the Spirit, by Antonio Ferro.
Propose an in-depth discussion of the language revolution formulated by Surrealism with particular attention to the development of the movement in Portugal and also through the dialogue between Portugal, France and Brazil.

Provide students political historical-literary material to understand and confront the surrealist practices in Portugal and the cultural actions developed by the Portuguese dictatorial regime, such as the Politics of the Spirit, by Antonio Ferro.

Acquire tools for comparative thinking on the formation of the two groups formed in the late 1940s, led by Antonio Pedro and Mário Cesariny (respectively), and on the collective group, in the late 1950s, of the Café Gelo group o Café Royal.

Verify the dialogue between Portuguese and Brazilian Surrealism (M. Cesariny and Sergio Lima]. Also reveal some reflections of Portuguese surrealism on contemporary literature.
No previous knowledge is necessary to attend this course.
In the first Surrealist Manifesto, Breton declared that surrealism was "pure psychic automatism with which one intends to express, verbally, in writing or in another way, the real functioning of thought". Automatism, which explains the very meaning of Surrealism, aims to let words or images flow without them passing through the filter of the rational organisation of the senses. The result can show disturbing images because they reveal uncensored hidden desires, or fears. Breton also said that Surrealism is based on the omnipotence of dreams, on the disinterested play of thought. But how did Surrealism develop on the periphery of Europe, more precisely in Portugal, which was then living under the fascist regime of Salazar?
The course aims to show the most marked features of Portuguese Surrealism and will take place in two parts: one dedicated to discussing the concept of Surrealism and reviewing its historical development besides verifying how the language is articulated to the main proposals of Surrealism - Life, Love and Liberty, and a second part that will analyse the art and literary works of the most important exponents of the movement as well as verify the dialogue between Portuguese and Brazilian Surrealism, as well as its reflections on the Portuguese contemporary literature.
1 - Literary Works

Verranno forniti dal docente nel corso un’antologia con i testi dei principali esponenti del surrealismo portoghese, tali come Mário Cesariny, Antonio Pedro, Mário Henrique Leiria, Fernando Lemos, Alexandre O’Neill, Isabel Meyrelles, Artur Cruzeiro Seixas, tra gli altri.

2 – Theoretical, historical and historical-literary framework.

ÁVILA M. J. E CUADRADO, P. Surrealismo em Portugal: 1934-1952. Lisboa: Instituto Português de Museus e Junta de Extremadura, 2001.
BLANCHOT M. A parte do fogo. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 1997.
BRETON, A. Manifestos do surrealismo. Rio de Janeiro: Nau Editora, 2001.
CESARINY M. A intervenção surrealista. Lisboa: Assírio e Alvim, 2007.
COMPAGNON A. Os cinco paradoxos da modernidade. Belo Horizonte: UFMG, 1996.
DUROZOI, G; LECHERBONNIER, B. O surrealismo. Coimbra: Livraria Almedina, 1972.
LANCIANI, L. (a cura di). Il Novecento in Portogallo. Roma: Universitalia, 2014.
LIMA, S. A aventura surrealista. Rio de Janeiro: editora Vozes, 1995.
MARTINHO, F. J. B. Tendências Dominantes da Poesia Portuguesa na década de 50. Lisboa: edições Colibri, 1996.
PEREIRA, H. R. António Ferro. Estudo e Antologia. Lisboa: Testemunhos Contemporâneos, 1990.
PICCHIO, L. Stegagno. Nel segno di Orfeo. Genova: Il Melangolo, 2004.
TAVANI, Giuseppe. Di Pessoa a Oliveira. La moderna poesia portoghese. Modernismo. Surrealismo. Neorealismo. Milano: Edizioni Academia, 1973.
SIMAS, M. Surrealismo: subversão e encantamento em Portugal. In: GRAZIANI, M; ABBATI, O; GORI, B. (a cura di) La spugna è la mia anima. Omaggio a Piero Ceccucci.Firenze: Firenze University Press, 2016.
Further bibliographical information will be provided during the lessons. The different materials and texts presented during the lessons will be available to students for better preparation of the subject.
The exam will be a writing exam open book (consisting of three questions), in Portuguese (or Italian). In this way it will be possible to verify the student's ability to read and analyse a text of his choice and two others chosen by the teacher, both articulated with the theoretical bibliography. All parts of the program will be considered fundamental.
The exam aims to verify deeper knowledge of the topics covered in the course; the understanding of concepts and quality of presentation, also the ability to develop an autonomous critical thinking.

If it is not a personal analyse the student has to quote it correctly.
Lectures and invitation to discussion. Active participation will be stimulated during the lesson. The course deals with literature in an interdisciplinary way. Multimedia materials will be used in addition to the bibliography, such as interviews and documentaries.
Students who do not attend are invited to contact the teacher at the beginning of the course.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "International cooperation" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 29/03/2021