Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LMI910 (AF:310734 AR:175704)
Blended (on campus and online classes)
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The cours is part of courses complementary of the Degree Lingue e Letterature eurpoee, americane e postcoloniali.
1. Knowledge and understanding
knowledge and under standing in spanish Language about the Miguel de Cervantes's plays in their context of spanish theatre of the 16th Century.
knowledge and understanding of the analysis of historical documents and the plays.
2. capacity to apply knowledge
Capacity to research independently.
Capacity to apply independently and critically the analytical tools to the plays and the historical documents.
Capacity to Intellectual debate about the Cervantes's plays and the their theatrical context.
3. Capacity of the judgment
Capacity to recognize a typology of the play and capacity to inserting in their cultural context.
Capacity to make judgments indepently in spanish language.
Advanced knowledge of the spanish language
0. Introduction: the professional theatre in Europe and Spain
1. The birth of professional theatre.
2. Towards the consolidation of the professional theatre: spanish actors' companies, italians actors' companies, actors- playwrights and poets- playwrights.
3. The Cervantes' Theatre.
Cervantes, Miguel de, Comedias y tragedias, Luis Gómez Canseco, coord., Madrid, RAE, 2015 (selezione).
Critical Studies
Canavaggio, Jean, "Cervantes dramaturge, veinticinco años después", in El teatro de Miguel de Cervantes ante el IV Centenario de la edición del Quijote 1605-2005, ed. J. Gonzalez Maestro, Pontevedra: Mirabel Editorial (Theatralia, 5, num. monografico), 2003, pags. 453-466.
Gómez Canseco, Luis; Ojeda Calvo, Maria del Valle, "Cervantes y el teatro" , in Miguel de Cervantes: Comedias y tragedias, Madrid, Real Academia Española, vol. 2, pp. 1108-1160.
Granja, Agustin de la, "Apogeo, decadencia y estimacion de las comedias de Cervantes", en Claudio Guillen et al., Cervantes, Centro de Estudios Cervantinos, Madrid, 1995, pp. 225-254.
Oleza, Joan, "Hipotesis sobre la genesis de la comedia barroca", Cuadernos de Filologia, III-1 y 2, 1981, pp 9-45 (ed. riv.: Teatro y practicas escenicas, I. El Quinientos valenciano, 1984).
Rubiera Fernandez, Javier, "El concepto de teatralidad cervantina en las Ocho comedias de 1615", en Actas de V Congreso Internacional de la Asociacion Internacional Siglo de Oro: Munster 1999, ed. Christoph Strosetzki, Iberoamericana / Vervuert, Madrid / Frankfurt am Main, 2001, pp. 1160-1165.

Other didactic materials will be put to disposition on line.
The oral text consist in a conversation in spanish language and ssesses the knowledge of history of spanish theatre of XVI century and the Miguel di Cervantes's plays.
The course consists of theoretical and practical lessons (analysis of theatrical texts). During the lessons, the students have to participate actively preparing the texts analysis.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 11/08/2020