Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM6021 (AF:309195 AR:168507)
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The course is framed within the linguistic courses of the MA/second-cycle degree in International Relations and aims at providing students with the linguistic and cultural techniques and strategies to handle the Spanish language in an appropriate way in an international context. The course consists of a half-year learning module and of an annual language coursework. The overall objective of this course is to develop a basic metalinguistic competence in the Spanish language, with particular attention to the field of international relations, and to achieve linguistic competence at B2 level - Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Learning outcomes are assessed by means of a written test.
1. Knowledge and understanding
Knowing and understanding the discursive and structural features of written and oral texts related to the world of international relations.
Linguistic competence in Spanish language at B2 CEFR level.

2. Applying knowledge and understanding
Ability to recognise and analyse specialised texts pertaining to international relations in Spanish; ability to use the acquired knowledge to produce adequate clauses in Spanish; ability to activate reading and analysing strategies for the specialised texts; ability to interact in communicative situations on a B2 CEFR level; ability to understand and produce oral and written texts at B2 CEFR level.

3. Making judgments
Ability to analyse and produce a text in the field of international relations; ability to motivate with arguments the production in Spanish; ability to display communication skills on a B2 level.

4. Communication skills
Ability to recognise and explain the textual and discursive features of international relations’ texts; ability to put into practice the linguistic competence at a B2 level in order to present issues raised in the module.

5. Learning skills
Basic ability to self-assess acquisition of metalinguistic contents as well as linguistic competence of Spanish language.
B1 level - Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Half-year module:
1. An introduction to Spanish;
2. Spanish language and institutions;
3. Spanish language and international relations.

Linguistic training:
Grammatical, phonetic-graphic, lexical, textual contents; functional exponents in Spanish at B2 level CEFR.
In addition to class notes and the material published on the course webpage (Moodle):
- García Mouton, Pilar (2014, 9 ed.): Lenguas y dialectos de España, Madrid, Arco/Libros.
- Moreno Fernández, Francisco (2010, 4 ed.): La lengua española en su geografía, Madrid, Arco/Libros.
- Rupérez, Javier; Vítores, David F. (2012): El español en las relaciones internacionales, Barcelona, Ariel/Planeta.
- San Vicente, Félix; Lombardini Hugo E. (2010): Debate. El español de la política, Bologna, Ariel.

Additional information will be provided at the beginning of the half-year module.
Students’ learning is assessed via a written exam (in Spanish) for assessing the acquisition of the contents of the half-yaer module as well as linguistic competence in the Spanish language. Duration: 90 minutes.
Frontal lectures; practical exercising.
Non-attending students are required to contact the lecturer at the beginning of the academic year and at the beginning of the second semester.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 08/07/2019