Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0248 (AF:308955 AR:170395)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Go to Moodle page
The course falls within the formative activities characterizing the common teaching of General History, Historical-Anthropological and Geographical Studies of the three-year degree course.
The aim of the course is to purpose an introdution about studies of traditional cultur of italian popular classes (peasants, shepherds, mountaineers, fishermen, artisans, workers). The course has a particular attention to the form-functions of Folklore, origin and develop of traditions studies. During the course some significant examples of studies and research will be analyzed and discussed.
Attendance and active participation in the course (lectures, viewing of video material) and the individual study of the material will allow students to:
1. To know the origin and development of studies on the traditional culture of the popular classes (Italian and other);
2. To know and appreciate the cultural and social complexity of the popular classes;
3. Deepen and analyze particularly significant studies (Antonio Gramsci and Ernesto De Martino);
4. Knowing how to take notes and summarize themes and ideas learned during the lessons.
The basic courses of Cultural Anthropology ("Cultural Anthropology - Introduction - Module 1" and "Cultural Anthropology - History - Module 2") are preparatory and must be supported previously or during the course "History of popular traditions - Introduction".
Inroduction to the study of popular culture in modern Europe and in Italy.
Origin and development of folklore studies.
Forms and functions of folklore.
Definition of the tradition concept .
How a tradition origins.
1) Mandatory books
Sanga G e Vianello R, La cultura popolare, dispensa (download available from Moodle)

2) Introductory; a book chosen from:
Burke P, Cultura popolare nell’Europa moderna, MI, Mondadori [consigliato]
Cirese A, Cultura egemonica e culture subalterne, PA, Palumbo, 1998
Dei F., Cultura popolare in Italia. Da Gramsci all'UNESCO, BO, Mulino, 2018
Pianta B, Cultura popolare, MI, Garzanti, 1982

3) Ethnographic monographs; a book chosen from:
Breda N, Palù. Inquieti paesaggi tra natura e cultura, Cierre Edizioni, 2002
Cole J, Wolf E, La frontiera nascosta, Roma, Carocci, 1994
de Martino E, La terra del rimorso, MI, Saggiatore, 2013
de Martino E, Sud e Magia, MI, Feltrinelli, 2013
De Luca B, L'arte del fuoco nascosto. I carbonai del Cansiglio, Cierre Edizioni, 2018
Hobsbawm EJ, Ranger T, L'invenzione della tradizione, TO, Giuilio Einaudi, 2002
Vianello R, Pescatori di Pellestrina, la cultura della pesca nell'isola veneziana, VR, Cierre Canova, 2004
Vianello R, Il Gondoliere, VR, Cierre 2011
Vianello R, L'oro nero della Laguna di Venezia. La mitilicoltura fra eredità culturale e nuove tradizioni, Roma, Aracne, 2018

Non attending students must add a further book choosen among the monographs texts.
Important: Students must always bring the program of the current academic year. Under no circumstances can they bring old past academic programs.
This course is not valid for obtaining the credits in M-DEA / 01 for the FIT Competition.

Oral examination.
The assessment of learning will take place through an oral analytical exam with questions on the texts in the program and on the topics of the lessons; particular attention will be given about understanding the issues and problems posed during the course and the ability to establish cross-cutting links.

Erasmus students are required to speak correctly in Italian. The exam for Erasmus students must be in Italian.
Frontal lessons with use of Powerpoint and audiovisual materials (audio recordings, movies). Teaching language: Italian
N.B. Erasmus students are required to express themselves correctly in Italian: the exam has to be done in Italian.
Students have to bring the current Academic Year program. It is not possible to bring previous Academic Years programs.
This course is not valid for obtaining the credits in M-DEA / 01 for the FIT Competition.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 01/03/2020