Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0064 (AF:308871 AR:170132)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Term
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The course is part of the degree course in History and aims to provide students with the first methodological tools in the field of epigraphy from the late ancient age until the sixteenth century.
The teaching objectives are: to develop the ability to reflect on written forms, on the state of preservation of epigraphic materials, on the forms of transmission of epigraphic texts; to provide the main tools for transcriptions and critical editions of epigraphic texts; to provide the basic methodological tools for the palaeographic and epigraphic analysis of medieval writings.
The achievement of these objectives allows the student to have the basis for learning the main medieval epigraphic writings; tools for critical analysis and evaluation of artifacts, as well as the hanging of the main critical tools for the editions of epigraphic texts.

Knowledge and understanding

can critically use the main tools for the epigraphic analysis of medieval artefacts bearing epigraphic texts, whatever the material support;
can use the basic tools necessary for the cataloguing, critical and analytical study of the main medieval epigraphic writings and artefacts in their material aspect; can complete a critical edition of epigraphic texts with the probmies connected to it.
knows the different types of sources useful for the historical reconstruction of the writer contexts that produced the medieval graphic typologies and is able to interweave them in a deep and effective way.
In the field of teaching, activities are planned to start the study of medieval epigraphy with the active and verifiable participation of students.

no prerequisites are required
recognition of the main categories of epigraphic artefacts; classification of epigraphic supports; type and class of epigraphic supports; processing techniques and chronology of the techniques used to process the artefacts; state of preservation and main categories of damage; causes of material damage to the epigraphic support; techniques for processing epigraphic writings; layout systems distributed by supports; types of writings from the II century d.C. to the XVI century; state of conservation of the writings and main problems linked to the state of conservation of the texts; criteria for transcription and editing of epigraphic texts.

I. DI STEFANO MANZELLA, Mestiere di epigrafista. Guida alla schedatura del materiale epigrafico lapideo,Roma 1987 (Vetera 1): capp. 6.1-6.3 (pp. 41-3); 7 (pp. 49-68); 8 (pp.69-73); 9.1-9.3.5 (pp. 75-82); 11 (pp. 117-120); 12.5-12.8 (pp.126-134); 13.1-13.7.5 (pp. 135-151); 15.1-15.2 (pp. 169-171); 16.6 (pp.182-3); 19 (pp. 209-219).
A. PETRUCCI, Breve storia della scrittura latina, Roma 1992 (nuova edizione riveduta e aggiornata): pp. 17-136.

Eventuali letture di approfondimento:

A. Petrucci, La scrittura. Ideologia e rappresentazione, Torino, 1986 (Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi, 473).
A. Petrucci, Le scritture ultime. Ideologia della morte e strategie dello scrivere nella tradizione occidentale, Torino, 1995 (Saggi, 798).
oral test; a written essay on a corpus of inscriptions chosen by the students and included in the chronology from the 4th to the 15th century is also required.
classroom lessons; classroom exercises; reading, dating and localization exercises using facsimiles. The course also includes visits to the main epigraphic collections in the area
Students who are not attending should contact the following address to agree on a bibliography:
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 26/03/2019