Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
AT0001 (AF:308676 AR:171510)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
the teaching, referring to the common path, is usable by anyone who has the requisites of belonging to this path.
Generic awareness of the role of pragmatic sobriety in current forms of organized living. The student can be said to be formed by the teaching provided if he reaches the minimum awareness of the distincnction between aspiration to selfish and personal affirmation of self and the limits that this aspiration founds in human physiology and in the social nature of the human being.

Knowledge and understanding:
the student will learn what sensitive issues, that are fundamental for the common interests, involve the subject of sustainability, understanding in which directions to guide possible implementation processes of sustainability itself.

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
the student, comparing himself with his peers in the reciprocal exchange of information - be these purely experiential, or even derived from personal readings - will already realize an empirical sustainability strategy, sharing the cognitive processes elaborated studing the topic and receiving additional elements useful for focusing on new problems.
To be alive; curricular experience of associated living and related issues.
The course will be provided under unpredictable circumstances but linked to the usual university life.
Any text the student has deemed, for various reasons, training for himself and for the harmonious construction of the self in relation to others. Really recommended: Platone, Repubblica; Aristotele; Politica; Senofonte, Economico; Senofonte, La costituzione degli Spartani; Porfirio, De Abstinentia ab esu animalium libri quatuor; Giovanni Reale, Cinismo, epicureismo, stoicismo, in Id., Storia della filosofia greca e romana, 2004, vol. 5; M. Cantilena, Dalla povertà alla temperanza. Breve viaggio nel mondo greco antico, in "Servitium", 162 [2005]; Vangeli sinottici; Marco Aurelio, Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν; Agostino d'Ippona, Confessiones; Gregorio Magno, Moralia in Job; Hélinand de Froidmont, Vers de la mort; Lotario diacono, De contemptu mundi; Regula salernitana; Francesco d'Assisi, Regula non bullata; D. Alighieri, Monarchia; F. Petrarca, Africa; F. Petrarca, De viris illustribus; F. Petrarca, De remediis utriusque fortune; F. Petrarca, Triumphus Pudicitie; F. Petrarca, De vita solitaria; Hans Holbein, Simolachri, Historie, e Figure de la Morte, 1549; F. Rabelais, Gargantua et Pantagruel; A. Cornaro, Trattatto della vita sobria, 1558; S. Massonio, Archidipno, ovver de l'insalata e dell'uso di essa, 1627; O. Montalbani, Il pane sovventivo succedaneo del pane ordinario, 1648; O. Montalbani, Formolario economico, cibario, medicinale, di materie più facili, e di minor costo, 1654; A. Cocchi, del vitto pitagorico per uso della medicina, 1744; A. Smith, Indagine sulla natura e le cause della ricchezza delle nazioni, 1776; G. Rajberti, Sul gatto. Cenni fisiologico-morali, 1845; K Marx, Il capitale; O. Guerrini, L'Arte di utilizzare gli avanzi della mensa, 1918; Serge Latouche, La decrescita prima della decrescita. Precursori e compagni di strada, 2016.
Students interested in acquiring the cfu are required to submit to the teacher a 10-15 pages paper relating to any aspect of the theme of sustainability. In order to deliver the paper to the teacher, students are invited to take advantage of the teacher's reception time, every Tuesday, h. 14, at the DSU (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici).
written and oral
Colloquial, friendly, casual and autonomous.
Teaching will be provided in the absence of the teacher, who will only evaluate the learning on the basis of the received papers.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Climate change and energy" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 06/05/2019