Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0197 (AF:308381 AR:168128)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
This course is included in Master Degree Programs: History of Arts and Conservation of Artistic Heritage, Interdisciplinarity is one of the characteristics of contemporary artistic experience and the course of History of contemporary music can not fail to underline this plural dimension, this being "between categories" (Morton Feldman 1969). In this sense, the course represents an important chapter in the course of university studies related to the history of the arts in the contemporary world.
The objectives of the course consist in on offering to the students sufficient instruments of knowledge and analysis of the complex and contradictory reality of contemporary music. The music comes to the threshold of the twentieth century clearly in "crisis." This "Crisis" has many meanings, expressive crisis, linguistic crisis, crisis of social function. The results, that this course wants to achieve, The results are those of a conscious critical capacity of the students in dealing with the twentieth century musical texts that are the mirror of these "crises".
Basic knowledge of musical grammar and simple music reading ability. Basic knowledge of modern and contemporary music history acquired through the fundamental teaching courses scheduled in the biennial degree course.
Through the notions of Avant-garde and Post-Avantgarde, we will broach some themes linked to the complex events of contemporary music. Some exemplary texts will be chosen and analyzed in this path, from historic Avant-garde at the beginning of twentieth century (Arnold Schoenberg 1874-1951) to the syncretic experience of "post-modern" music (Heiner Goebbels 1952- ).
Notes from the lessons and musical examples (scores and performances) in projected slides during the lessons.
Paul Griffiths, The twentieth-century music, Torino, Einaudi 2014.
Another specific bibliography will be indicated during the lessons.
For a preliminary knowledge of the history of twentieth century music we recommend also reading: Alex Ross, "The Rest is Noise. Listening to the Twentieth Century", London-New York, Harper, 2007.

Non-attending students must agree with the professor an alternative program.
The student must elaborate a written dissertation on one of the course topics, with notes and relative bibliography / website. The paper 12 pages (24.000 signs, spaces included) has to be sent by email 3 days before the examen, and will be discussed during the orals, with the others topics of the course.
These are lectures with audivisuals. Historical contextualization and analysis of selected musical works.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 26/06/2019