Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0137 (AF:308364 AR:170291)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
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The course is inserted between the basic disciplines common to the Program of Study and aims to provide an adequate critical knowledge of Italian literature and the fundamental tools for the textual interpretation. The teaching activity aims to start an analysis historically and philologically aware of the literary texts, founded on the mastery of the technical language. Because of the broad scope of the subject matter, different topics will be chosen each year. The general perspective will be open to making comparisons with European and Extra-European literature.
1) Knowledge and understanding of the terminology of textual analysis and literary criticism. 2) Knowledge and understanding of literatures and cultures in a historical context to frame the interpretative and analysis capabilities of the texts. 3) Ability to analyze critical texts and to develop autonomous reflections on theoretical and methodological issues 4) Ability to select the bibliography appropriate to the proposed literary texts and to motivate the choice of the method adopted.
1) 5) Knowledge and understanding of the main features of Italian and European literature in their historical context. 2) ability to frame interpretative and analysis of texts methods. 3) Ability to select the bibliography appropriate to literary texts. 4) Ability to orientation in contemporary critical debate.
1) The main methodologies of literary criticism elaborated in the twentieth century will be revisited: from formalism to stylistic, from semiotic to deconstructionism to gender criticism, etc. 2) The reflections and critical readings of literary texts (Debenedetti, Corti, Segre, Mengaldo, Lavagetto, Grignani, Berardinelli) will be proposed. 3)The "critical fortune" of some authors twentieth will be taken into consideration. 4) Pages of critical poets of the Twentieth century on Dante and Petrarca (Ungaretti, Montale, Luzi, Zanzotto) will bee compared.
Stefano Brugnolo, Davide Colussi, Sergio Zatti, Emanuele Zinato, "La scrittura e il mondo. Teorie letterarie del Novecento", Carocci

Pages chosen by: Mario Lavagetto, "Eutanasia della critica", Einaudi; Cesare Segre, "Ritorno alla critica", Einaudi; Maria Corti "Nuovi metodi e fantasmi", Feltrinelli; Raul Mordenti, "L’altra critica", Editori Riuniti, Emanuele Zinato, Alfonso Berardinelli, "Il critico come intruso", Le Lettere. Chosen pages on Dante and Petrarca by Ungaretti ("Vita d'un uomo. Saggi e interventi"), Montale ("Il secondo mestiere"), Luzi ( "Naturalezza del poeta"), Zanzotto ("Fantasie di avvicinamento").

The assessment is made on the basis of an oral examination (about 15 minutes). The exam takes place starting from a detailed comment of a passage from the works analysed during the course. Students are also asked to show their knowledge of the whole work from a critical, exegetical and philological point of view, alongside a good familiarity with the broader historical-literary context within which the work was written.
Clearness of exposition, pertinence of language and terminology competence are taken into account for the assessment.
Front lessons integrated with online materials. During the course: 1) some seminars will be activated to deepen some topics 2) material and video materials related to some critical personalities addressed in the course wull be presented and discussed 3) Discussions and in-depth studies proposed by the students will be promoted.
Non-frequenting students are required to come to at least one conversation with the teacher to agree on an integrative program.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 12/04/2019