Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0084 (AF:308317 AR:170222)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
3rd Term
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The course is inserted in the curriculum of Filologia e letteratura italiana and in the curriculum of Filologie, letterature e storia dell’antichità, Laurea magistrale of Scienze dell’antichità: letterature, storia e archeologia. It aims to provide the students a deep knowledg of the domain of Italian Literature from the Middle Ages to contemporary ages. Being inserted in the Medieval and Byzantin curriculumm, it aims specifically to provide the students with basic elements both of intellectual history of the late Middle Ages and of philological technique in order to critically read and prepare editions of medieval Latin and Vernacular texts in relation to Latin texts. The intellectual history of 1200-1300 will be studied through the most important Franciscan text of the fourteenth century: the "Actus Beati Francisci et sociorum eius", Latin text at the origin of the famous "Fioretti di san Francesco".

 The text will be submitted to a close reading, in order to analyze it in relation to medieval texts of the same literary genre; the manuscript tradition, in Latin and the Vernacular, will be analyzed starting from the critical editions of the text; the contribution that the text (and its manuscript tradition) can give to the so-called "Franciscan question" will be evaluated.

At the end of the course, the student will earn the following skills: - the ability to critically elaborate the secondary literature dealing with the intellectual and religious history of the late Middle Ages (in particular, the Franciscan history, the question of the Spirituals, the Franciscan chronicle tradition); - the ability to work on case studies through the application of the methods developed in the secondary literature concerning the Franciscan question; - the ability to collaborate with scholars from different fields (in particular, historians of the Middle Ages and the Church), providing an open contribution to the multidisciplinary debate; - the ability to organize working groups on seminar topics.
In this way, the following skills will be developed, consistent with the course of study:
- awareness of the plurality of the methodological approaches to the text (with particular attention to the rhetorical-stylistic methodes):
- use of philological instrumentation;
- digital skills, especially starting from the tools provided by the Web for philological research.
Knowledge also elementary of the Latin language.

Knowledge also elementary of paleography and medieval codicology.

Knowledge of methods of critique of text and stomatology.

Knowledge also elementary of the history of the Franciscan Order between the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries.

Reference bibliography dealing with the preliminary skills:

A. Stussi (a c. di), Fondamenti di critica testuale, Bologna, Mulino (diverse edizioni).

S. Timpanaro, La genesi del metodo di Lachmann (Utet, diverse edizioni).

A. Petrucci, Breve storia della scrittura latina, Bagatto.

G. Miccoli, Francesco d'Assisi e l'Ordine dei minori, Biblioteca francescana.
At the Origins of the "Fioretti". The "Actus beati Francisci et sociorum eius"

1) Introduction
2) Official texts about saint Francis' Life
3) The Tradition of the socii: Leone
4) The Tradition of the socii: Rufino e gli altri
5) Spirituals, Community and the Franciscan Historiography
6) Historiographical texts in Franciscan Trecento
7) The Actus Beati Francisci: the manuscript Tradition
8) The Actus and the Tradition of the Socii
9) How to build a Franciscan Legend: The Wolf of Gubbio
References will be presented and discussed during the lessons.
1) D. Burr, The Spiritual Franciscans: from Protest to Persecution in the century after Saint Francis, University Park (Pa.) 2003.
Francesco d'Assisi e il primo secolo di storia francescana, Torino, Einaudi, 1991.

2) Actus beati Francisci et sociorum eius, ed. J. Cambell, Porziuncola Assisi, 1988

Students who will not attend the seminar must add the following literature:
1. G. G. Merlo, Nel nome di San Francesco. Storia dei Frati Minori e del Francescanesimo sino agli inizi del XVI secolo. Editrici Francescane ER, 2003, Capitoli I- IV

2. Francesco d'Assisi, Scritti, Editrici Francescane ER, 2002

They are expected to be on touch with the Professor.
The knowledge will be verified through an oral examination. The students will be strongly invited to produce works on their own.
Conventional lessons, Seminar, practical exercises.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 26/08/2019