Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0079 (AF:308180 AR:170462)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
4th Term
Byzantine Philology is a course of the "Philology, literatures and history of antiquity" and the "Archaeology" Master's degree in "Science of antiquity: literatures, history and archaeology". The course is also offered as an exam to complement the master's degree course in "History from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Age".
The students will have acquired:
- knowledge of the content and method of Byzantine literature and philology;
- a knowledge of the Byzantine literary and cultural world in its different periods;
- competence in the critical study of Byzantine texts.
Knowledge of classical Greek, and a preparation, at least elementary, of Greek palaeography is also recommended.
The Byzantine Philology course is an introduction to Byzantine literature and intellectual history from the Early Byzantine age to the late Palaeologan period (the last Byzantine dynasty to rule the empire between 1261 and 1453), through the study of one of the most widespread literary genres during the Byzantine millennium, that of chapters (kephalaia). The course explores the origin of this genre, its links with others, widespread in late ancient philosophical literature, its popularity, authors, ecdotic problems, the contents of different texts.

1. Introduction to Byzantine literature and philology.
2. The genre of chapters (kephalaia) from the 4th to the 15th century: texts and authors.
3. Three case studies:
Evagrius the Pontic (4th century);
Philotheus of Batos (8th century?)
Kallistus Angelikudes (14th century)
4. Prepare the edition of a text: Kallistus Angelikudes, 100 Chapters.

Students should use for the topics and texts covered in the lesson:
M. Richard, Florilèges spirituels grecs, Dictionnaire de spiritualié, t. 5, 1964, 486-499, rist. in Opera minora, i, Turnhout -Leuven, 1976, n° i.
P. Géhin, Les collections de kephalaia monastiques: naissance et succès d'un genre entre création originale, plagiat et florilège, in A. Rigo, P. Ermilov & M. Trizio (ed.), Theologica minora. The Minor Genres of Byzantine Theological Literature (Byzantios. Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization, 8), Turnhout, 2013, p. 1-50.
Evagrius the Pontic, Chapters on prayer
P. Géhin, Chapitres sur la prière (Sources Chrétiennes, 589), Paris, 2017.
Philotheus of Batos, Chapters
Φιλοκαλία τῶν ἱερῶν νηπτικῶν, Athina, 1974-76, II, p. 274-286.
Kallistus Angelikudes, 100 Chapters
Vat. gr. 736, ff. 360-372.

Other material on
Oral exam 70% + Work on texts during lessons 30%.
Lectures and practical exercises on the unpublished chapters of Kallistus Angelikudes. The frequency (constant) for the preparatory work for the edition of a text is strongly recommended.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 13/04/2019