- Academic year
- 2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- FM0220 (AF:308147 AR:169617)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 6
- Degree level
- Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
- Educational sector code
- M-DEA/01
- Period
- 2nd Semester
- Where
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
The aim of the course is to provide an in-depth analysis of traditional folk cultures (peasants, herders, highlanders, fishers, craftmen, workers).
Expected learning outcomes
- in-depth knowledge of significant research on folklore, especially Italian (but not only), and knowledge of the related research methodologies;
- knowledge of the theoretical and epistemological debate related to folklore.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- ability to apply ethnographic research methodologies.
Communication and relational skills:
- know how to present and discuss a theoretical or historiographical text in a seminar context orally;
- know how to express the results of a research in a short written text.
Burke P, Cultura popolare nell'Europa moderna, MI, Mondadori
Dei F, Cultura popolare in Italia, BO, il Mulino
Study of folktales (magic tales, animal tales, just so stories) on the basis of the works of Vladimir Propp.
Referral texts
Propp V, Morfologia della fiaba, TO, Einaudi
Propp V, Le radici storiche dei racconti di fate, TO, Boringhieri
Sanga G, La fiaba: morfologia, antropologia, storia [see online lessons]
2) Elective
Beduschi L, Il viaggio, la prova, il premio, «La ricerca folklorica» 12, 1985
Belmont N, Poetica della fiaba, PA, Sellerio
Bettelheim B, Il mondo incantato, MI, Feltrinelli
Braccini T, Indagine sull’orco, Mulino
Bright W, A Coyote Reader, California UP
Calvino I, Sulla fiaba, TO, Einaudi
Cusatelli G, Tutto e fiaba, MI, Emme
Cusatelli G, Ucci, ucci, MI, Mondadori
Fabre D, La tradition orale du conte occitan, Paris, PUF
Falassi A, Folklore by the fireside, London
Franz ML von, Il femminile nella fiaba, TO, Boringhieri
Franz ML von, Le fiabe interpretate, TO, Boringhieri
Jolles A, Forme semplici, MI, Mursia
Lavinio C, La magia della fiaba, FI, Nuova Italia
Lüthi M, La fiaba popolare europea, MI, Mursia
Meletinskij E, La struttura della fiaba, PA, Sellerio
Milillo A, La vita e il suo racconto, RM, Casa del libro
Morbiato L, Contastorie, PD, Cleup
Propp V, Edipo alla luce del folklore, TO, Einaudi
Propp V, La fiaba russa, TO, Einaudi
Radin P, Il briccone divino, Bompiani
Rubini L, Fiabe e mercanti in Sicilia, FI, Olschki
Saintyves P, Les contes de Perrault, Paris
Soriano M, I racconti di Perrault, PA, Sellerio
Thompson S, La fiaba nella tradizione popolare, MI, Il Saggiatore
3) Collection of folktales (ethnographic method)
Anesa M, Fiabe bergamasche, MI, Silvana
Arduini M, Il filo del racconto [Lazio], VT, Sette città
Arrigoni M, Tre gocce di veleno [Pavia], AL, Ed. dell’Orso
Barozzi G, Ventisette fiabe raccolte nel mantovano. MI, Regione Lombardia
Bleek W, Specimens of Bushman folklore [online]
Coltro D, Fole lilole [Verona], VE, Marsilio
Coltro D, Paese perduto 4 [Verona], VR, Bertani
Crepaldi C, Fole e filò [Rovigo], RO, Minelliana
De Simone R, Fiabe campane, TO, Einaudi
Ferretti R, Fiabe e storie della Maremma, GR
Hewlett B, Listen, here is a story [pigmei Aka], Oxford UP
Mugnaini F, Mazzasprunìgliola [Toscana], TO, L’Harmattan
Orioli S, Fiabe romagnole, RA, Longo
Perco D, Favole del Feltrino, TV, Nuovi Sentieri
Pirovano M, Fiabe e storie raccolte in Brianza, Oggiono, Cattaneo
Rosso A, Fiabe popolari trevigiane, VR, Cierre
Sarego L, L’albero e la memoria [Lazio], RI, Il Velino
Šebesta G, Fiaba-leggenda dell’Alta Valle del Fèrsina, Museo di S. Michele all’Adige
Sina E, Racconti popolari friulani. Enemonzo e Preone, UD, SFF
Tabet P, C’era una volta [Toscana], FI, Guaraldi
Tassoni G, Fole mantovane, FI, Olschki
Venturelli G, Documenti di narrativa popolare toscana, LU
Venturelli G, La gallina della nonna Gemma [Toscana], Vigevano, Diakronia
Zoldan C, Racconti popolari dell’Alto Livenza, Caneva, Biblioteca
4) Collection of folktales (traditional method)
Afanas’ev A, Fiabe russe proibite, MI, Garzanti
Afanasjev A, Antiche fiabe russe, TO, Einaudi
Basile G, Lo cunto de li cunti, MI, Garzanti
Bernoni D, Fiabe popolari veneziane, VE, Filippi
Calvino I, Fiabe italiane, TO, Einaudi
Coronedi Berti C, Favole bolognesi, BO, Forni
De Nino A, Usi e costumi abruzzesi, 3 Fiabe, FI, Olschki
Esopo, Favole,
Fedro, Favole
Grimm J & W, Le fiabe del focolare, TO, Einaudi
Imbriani V, La novellaja fiorentina, MI, BUR
Ive A, Fiabe istriane, GO, Goriziana
La Fontaine, Favole
Marzocchi C, Novelle popolari senesi, RM, Bulzoni
Nerucci G, Sessanta novelle popolari montalesi [Toscana], MI, BUR
Perrault C, I racconti di mamma l’Oca, TO, Einaudi
Pitré G, Fiabe e leggende popolari siciliane, BO, Forni
Pitré G, Fiabe, novelle e racconti popolari siciliani, BO, Forni
Pitré G, Novelle popolari toscane, PA, Edikronos
Righi E, Fiabe e racconti veronesi, Costabissara, Colla
Straparola G, Le piacevoli notti, BA, Laterza
Assessment methods
For attending students the evaluation will be 40% on the exam texts; of 20% on further study done in class; 40% on the ability to establish links.
For non-attending students the evaluation will be 60% on the exam texts; 40% on the ability to establish links.
Teaching methods
Listening and commenting of recordings of folktales collected in the field.
Teaching language
Further information
a) the three mandatory texts (list 1);
b) non-attending students will bring an additional book, chosen from list 2 (optional texts);
c) it is also possible to make a survey on the field of folktales, agreed with the teacher, for which the methodology will be based on the collection of folktales from list 3; the research will be evaluated positively during the examination. For completeness of information in list 4 we provide a list of the major historical collections.
Accessibility, Disability and Inclusion
Accommodation and support services for students with disabilities and students with specific learning impairments
Ca’ Foscari abides by Italian Law (Law 17/1999; Law 170/2010) regarding support
services and accommodation available to students with disabilities. This includes students with
mobility, visual, hearing and other disabilities (Law 17/1999), and specific learning impairments (Law 170/2010). If you have a disability or impairment that requires accommodations (i.e., alternate testing, readers, note takers or interpreters) please contact the Disability and Accessibility Offices in Student Services:
Type of exam
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals
This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development