- Academic year
- 2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- LT007Q (AF:306966 AR:166426)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 12
- Subdivision
- Class 3
- Degree level
- Bachelor's Degree Programme
- Educational sector code
- L-LIN/06
- Period
- 2nd Semester
- Course year
- 3
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
Expected learning outcomes
Module: Textual properties (adequacy, coherence, cohesion), discourse markers, textual tipology, argumentative discourse, Spanish language for academic purposes.
Yearlong course: grammatical, lexical, pragmatic and discursive contents at C1 Level of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).
2.Applying knowledge and understanding
Be able to to recognize the impact of the diaphasic variation on the discourse; to recognize and explain the units and mechanisms of textual cohesion, connection, coherence and adequacy; to distinguish between lexical meaning and procedural meaning; to identify and recognize the different types of discourse markers in Spanish; to describe the grammatical and semantic features of the most frequent discourse markers in Spanish as opposed to those of Italian language; to recognize the main linguistic and pragmatic features of the Spanish academic discourse; to understand and produce written and oral texts with the degree of correction, coherence and adequacy required at the level C1 of the CEFR; to interact in a colloquial conversation with the degree of adequacy required at the level C1 of the CEFR.
3. Making judgments
Ability to gather the relevant data to make judgments about the discursivity and the adequacy of the text; to apply the theoretical and methodological knowledge to the interpretation of the discourse data; to integrate class notes and readings with the information obtained in the on-line sources suggested by the teacher.
4. Communication skills
Being able to explain the linguistic topics of the module in a clear, well-structured, academic written test; to expose and argue on a linguistic topic or on current social topic or cultural issue with the degree of fluency, correction and adequacy expected at the level C1 of the CEFR for the oral academic presentations; to interact with the degree of fluency and adequacy expected at the C1 level.
5. Learning skills
Capacity for analysis and synthesis; for self-assessment, for bibliographical research and for planning and drafting the final thesis research.
2. The concept of meaning. 3. Meaning, sense, denotation and reference. Reference types. Types of meaning: lexical/grammatical; denotation / connotation; literal/figured; facets.
3. The structure of meaning: the components or semas; the prototypes; meaning postulates.
4. Lexico-semantic relations. Lexical/structural ambiguity; homonymy, polysemy, vagueness, indeterminacy. Identity relations, inclusion, exclusion and opposition.
5. Lexical configurations.
6 Semantic change. Metonomy, metaphor.
7. Relations between lexicon and syntax.
8. Meaning and syntagmatic relationships: solidarity, collocation, idiomatic expression, phraseology
Language training:
Grammatical, phonetic-graphic, lexical, textual contents; functional exponents in Spanish at C1 level CEFR.
Referral texts
Escandell Vidal, Mª Victoria (2007). Apuntes de semántica léxica. Madrid: UNED
Complementary bibliography:
Cruse, Alan (1986): Lexical Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Cruse, Alan (2004): Meaning in Language. An Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics (2ª edición). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Del Barrio de la Rosa, F. (2014). Ejercicios de lexicología del español. Múnich: Lincom Europa. [Capítulos 5 y 6]
DRAE: Real Academia Española (1992): Diccionario de la lengua española (22ª edición). Madrid: Espasa-Calpe
Escandell Vidal, Mª Victoria (2007). Apuntes de semántica léxica. Madrid: UNED
Escandell Vidal, Mª Victoria (2009). “La Semántica”, en Escandell Vidal, Mª Victoria, Victoria Marrero Aguiar, Invitación a la lingüística, págs. 207-242.
Espinosa Elorza, Mª Rosa (2008): “El cambio semántico” en Elena de Miguel (ed.), Panorama de la lexicología. Barcelona: Ariel. 159-188.
García-Murga, F. (2014). Semántica. Madrid: Síntesis.
Gutiérrez Ordóñez, Salvador (1996): Introducción a la semántica funcional. Madrid: Síntesis.
Hualde, J.I. et al. (2001). Introducción a la lingüística hispánica. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Apartados 6.1 y 6.2]
Ježek, Elisabetta (2005): Lessico. Classi di parole, strutture, combinazioni. Bolonia: Il Mulino.
Lyons, John (1989): Semántica (2ª edición). Barcelona: Teide.
Moreno Cabrera, Juan Carlos (2000): “Semántica léxica” en Curso universitario de lingüística general. Tomo II: Semántica, pragmática, morfología y fonología (2ª edición corregida). Madrid: Síntesis. 265-301.
Penny, Ralph (1993): “Semántica” en Gramática histórica del español. Barcelona: Ariel. 272-287.
Pottier, Bernard (1976): “Hacia una semántica moderna”, en Lingüística moderna y filología hispánica. Madrid: Gredos. 99-133.
Saeed, John I. (2009): Semantics (3ª edición). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Salvador, Gregorio (1985): “Sí hay sinónimos” en Semántica y lexicología del español. Madrid: Paraninfo. 51-66.
Linguistic training:
VV.AA. (2017): C de C1. Libro del alumno y Cuaderno de ejercicios. Barcelona: Difusión.
Cassany, Daniel (1995): La cocina de la escritura, Barcelona: Anagrama.
Assessment methods
- a written part (i) consisting of a multiple choice and gap filling cloze for assessing linguistic competence (C1) (40% of the final mark);
- a written part (ii) consisting of open questions, multiple choice and gap filling cloze for assessing metalinguistic competence in Semantics of Spanish as well as written skills (60% of the final mark).
Both parts are scheduled in the same day.
Duration (part i + part ii): 3 hours.
In order t o get an overall pass in Lingua Spagnola 3 (LT0071) or Lingua Ispano-americana 3 (LT007Q), students must:
- get a mark equal to or greater than 60% in the written part (i)
- get a mark equal to or greater than 60% in the written part (ii)
No partial marks will be kept for the following exam sessions.
Students holding a DELE certificate of C1 level (or higher) linguistic competence must only take part A, on the condition that the date of the exam is at the latest two years prior to the date in which the certificate was obtained and that they provide the lecturer with a paper or electronic copy (both sides) of the certificate. No other certificates shall be accepted. Mark achieved on DELE certificate (x/100) will be converted into a x/30 mark, regardless of the DELE certificate level.
Type of exam
Teaching methods
Self-assessment exercising through Google Classroom platform.
Mentoring programs
Further information
Non-attending students are required to contact the lecturer at the beginning of the academic year and at the beginning of the second semester.