Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
EM6061 (AF:304730 AR:169322)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
4th Term
Course year
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After an introduction on the scenarios where companies operate nowadays, the Course examines the most significant legal institution, following an approach based on case-law and collective agreements, which are functional to the business and workforce urges.
The Course features a pragmatic approach focused on case-study, with the aim of targeting the current dynamic and non-traditional labour market in Italy, as resulting from the so called "Jobs Act" Reform.
By actively attending the lectures and by taking in the class activities, as well as by the individual study, the students will earn:
1. Knowledge and comprehension;
1.1. Labor law institutions;
2. Ability to combine knowledge and comprehension;
2.1 Ability to orient themselves in the current labor market, either as an employee or as an employer;
3. Ability to evaluate own rights and duties as an employee; ability to benefit from the opportunities in labor management and awareness of the limits set by the legal framework.
The course assume knowledge of private law.
The sources of labor law and union. constitutional principles and the Workers' Statute, today. Workers' organizations and enterprises and the collective agreement. collective bargaining, levels, effectiveness and role of the individual contract. The constitution and the types of employment relationship. self-employment, subordinate and collaborations. The organization of the company and its articulation. temp work, transfer of business, contracts and secondments. The new remuneration forms related to the economic dell'imèresa and participation of workers; the corporate welfare. The withdrawal, dismissal and resignation in 2015. The reforms protecting workers' rights. The role of law in the application of work.
G. Zilio Grandi, Lezioni di diritto del lavoro nella gestione di impresa, Cedam, II Edizione, 2019.

For further information about c.d. Jobs Act, G. Zilio Grandi, M. Biasi, Commentario breve alle riforme Jobs Act, Cedam, 2015; Commentario breve al lavoro autonomo e al lavoro agile, Cedam 2017.
Learning will be verified with an oral examination on principal matter and also of real case study proposed to student (70%), as well as on the discussion of the Experior project (30%).
Teaching is organized in: a) lectures accompanied by educational material available on the e-learning platform of; b) thematic studies analyzed, discussed and presented by small groups in the classroom (for attending students); c) individual thematic examinations on topics chosen by the student himself presented during the oral examination (for those not attending); d) Experior project ( ).
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 09/05/2019