Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
EM4056 (AF:304711 AR:170847)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The course aims to contribute to the educational objectives of the Master's degree course in Finance and Control Administration, with the aim of preparing graduates able to master the issues related to the accounting representation of management events, the preparation of the financial statements according to the correct accounting principles and the correct and complete financial reporting.
The course, which is free to choose, provides the fundamental theoretical knowledge and practical guidelines necessary to perform the function of statutory audit, with some reference also to the supervisory activity assigned to the Board of Statutory Auditors, in companies subject to the relevant obligations. In particular, the objectives of the auditor and the Statutory Auditor, the auditing standards (ISA) and the conduct of the Board of Statutory Auditors, the procedures and operating procedures for carrying out their respective activities up to the formulation of an opinion on the financial statements are analysed. Particular attention will be paid to auditing principles, which guide the work of the auditor. In addition, a number of notes will also be proposed on the other activities that the auditor may be called upon to perform and the guiding principles for carrying them out.
In consideration of the continuous evolution of the subject matter, the topics and the relative normative, practical and doctrinal references will be updated and illustrated during the lessons by the teacher according to any new provisions that may come into force and new indications of operational practice and doctrine. In addition, certain aspects will be examined in depth in relation to the regulatory exemptions granted, financial reporting and auditing activities following the Covid-19 pandemic and in general in situations of global economic crisis.
Students of the Master's degree course in Finance and Control Administration are asked to acquire a complete and exhaustive overview of knowledge and ability to understand business - management aspects with particular reference to the accounting representation of management facts, the ability to read the financial statements and awareness of operational tools to support business decisions. Through this teaching, which sees the analysis of controls in their entirety and in particular the analysis of the internal administrative-accounting controls system as the basis for the assessment of audit risk, the student will complete his or her preparation on accounting and financial statement issues, on the approval phases of the same and on the centrality of the audit opinion on the financial statements, also in relations with the various stakeholders.
At the end of the course the student will be able to know and understand:
1. The regulations applicable to companies in terms of auditing obligations and the persons who may carry out this activity;
2. the applicable auditing standards (ISA);
3. the objectives of the audit, the role of the auditor (including other services) and the related responsibilities;
4. the evaluation of the internal control system for the purposes of the audit activity;
5. the risks to which the company is exposed (including the risk of fraud) and the risk of identifying significant errors for the auditor;
6. the going concern of the company and the centrality of the same for the auditor;
7. the formulation and significance of the audit opinion.
Knowledge of general accounting, accounting principles and regulations relating to the preparation of the statutory and consolidated financial statements.
In order to take the Statutory Audit exam, it is necessary to have passed the Business Economics exam.
1.Regulatory framework of legal audit obligations: recipients and actors, Legislative Decree 39/2010
2.International auditing standards applicable to audit engagements and other audit services
3.Board of Statutory Auditors entrusted with the auditing and other activities of the Board of Statutory Auditors
4.Independence, acceptance and retention
5.The internal control system
6. assessment of business risks for the purpose of determining audit risk
7. the determination of materiality and the performance of testing activities
8. external confirmations and use of third party work
9. the process of reviewing the most critical areas of the financial statements
10. the auditor's opinion on the financial statements and assessment of the going concern assumption
The examination test takes place in oral form and consists of a presentation and reasoned discussion of some topics (3/4) in order to assess both the knowledge of the regulatory framework, both the principles of review and the activity to be carried out in practice.
Students attending the exam are allowed to prepare a short paper agreed with the teacher during the course of the lessons and assigned by the same, with which, starting from the audit opinion on a practical case, specific accounting issues and the consequent audit procedures applied are examined in depth.
Attendance at the course is recommended, both for recent regulatory changes and for the characteristics of the course during which practical cases will be brought and commented.
The teaching includes the following teaching methods during which both the technical and operational aspects of the activity will be illustrated:
1. frontal lessons with discussion and discussion of practical cases;
2. lessons of direct comparison documents - students;
3. University - labor market liaison meetings with the participation of qualified professionals and representatives of auditing firms (according to the possibilities allowed by the current Covid-19 restrictions).

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 26/01/2021