Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
EM5010 (AF:304064 AR:167996)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
4th Term
Course year
In cooperation with
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The course is a core educational activity in the Master's Degree in Economics and Finance, in the homonym curriculum.
It follows and builds upon Legislazione bancaria I. it is aimed at examining specifically banking supervision, banking groups and crisis management.
1. Knowledge and understanding
1.1 Learning how banking supervision works, in all its different aspects.
1.2 Learning the law applying to banking groups.
1.3 Learning the set of tools designed to manage the crisis of a bank.

2. Applied skills of knowledge and understanding
2.1 Ability to interpret and apply the rules relating to banking supervision and banking groups.
2.2 Ability to analyse the set of rules governing the banking crisis management.
2.3 Ability to contextualize the rules of conduct relating to banking, also in light of the codes of ethic.

3. Evaluation
3.1 Ability to interpret the primary and secondary legislation.
3.2 Ability to examine the legal implications of business choices relating governance and strategic goals.
3.3 Ability to identify the balance between entrepreneurial autonomy and public goals.

4. Communication skills
4.1 Ability to communicate the characteristics of the banking law, using the proper terminology.
4.2 Ability to engage in a critical analsys during the assessment test.
Preliminary course: Banking Legislation I -

Students are expected to know the contents of the courses of Business/Commercial (and Economic) Law I and II and Banking Law.
1. Banking supervision. - 2. Banking antitrust rules. - 3. Banking groups and consolidated supervision. - 4. Banking crisis management legislation.

Lectures will be integrated with some seminars provided by experts of banking legislation and by officers of credit institutions.
CAPRIGLIONE (ed.), Manuale di diritto bancario e finanziario, 2nd ed., Padova, Cedam, 2019, pp. 129-165, 358-363, 435-460, 461-498; or BRESCIA MORRA, Il diritto delle banche, 2a ed., Bologna, Il Mulino, 2016, pp. 95-107, 118-119, 122-137, 143-145, 173-176, 201-203, 208-249, 257-303 (or 3rd ed., 2020, pp. 93-104, 112-114, 117-141, 195-196, 201-238, 250-298).

Additional learning material (such as articles, case-law, etc.) will be posted on Moodle platform.

The secondary legislation produced by the Bank of Italy is also available on
The final exam consists exclusively in an oral test in order to verify the knowledge and comprehension of the course contents, the proper reporting of them and the ability of consulting legal texts.
Frontal lecturing and teacher-students interaction.
The course is in cooperation with Federazione Veneta delle Banche di Credito Cooperativo.

Accessibility, Disability and Inclusion
Accommodation and support services for students with disabilities and students with specific learning impairments

Ca' Foscari abides by Italian Law (Law 17/1999; Law 170/2010) regarding support services and accommodation available to students with disabilities. This includes students with mobility, visual, hearing and other disabilities (Law 17/1999), and specific learning impairments (Law 170/2010). If you have a disability or impairment that requires accommodations (i.e., alternate testing, readers, note takers or interpreters) please contact the Disability and Accessibility Offices in Student Services:

In cooperation with: Federazione Veneta delle Banche di Credito Cooperativo.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 06/04/2020