Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
ET0042 (AF:303791 AR:167787)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Surnames Lb-Z
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The course focuses on the language of Business, Economics, Trade and Finance. Language acquisition will be enhanced through the use of authentic materials in English, which will be used to develop students' reading, listening, speaking and grammar skills. The aim is to provide students with the tools and knowledge they need to understand the latest trends in the worlds of Economics and International Business. (Level requested to participate fully is B2 on the CEFR)

By the end of the course, students will have learnt how to:
- understand and use correctly specific language to describe economic and financial trends;
- speak about the latest developments in the digital economy;
- discuss relevant topics such as corporate culture, training, ethics, time management and change

Students MUST have passed the B1 computer test at the CLA before attempting Lingua Inglese esame. (Information concerning the B1 test is available on the Centro Linguistico di Ateneo website http://www.unive.it/cla ).
Topics covered in the course include:
• Corporate culture
• Training and development
• Finance
• Digital commerce
• Ethics
• Performance
• Innovation and change

Business Partner B2 Pearson: https://www.pearson.com/english/catalogue/business-english/business-partner/components.html NB The correct level is B2 (NOT B2+). You have two options:
- B2 Coursebook con My English Lab Interactive Workbook ISBN: 9781292248585. NB: there is a previous version available without the Interactive Workbook (often proposed by Amazon, so check the ISBN carefully before buying); In this case you will not be able to obtain the bonus points available for completing the Interactive Workbook exercises.
- the digital ebook version of the coursebook (ebook with My English Lab Interactive Workbook): 9781292362618 with an 18-month licence. In this case you will first need to create a MyPlace account at www.pearson.it/login. Then go to www.pearson.it/shop, find the coursebook by entering the ISBN (9781292362618) and you will then be asked to login with your MyPlace credentials to complete the purchase. Then click on PRODOTTI and the ebook will appear on your MyPlace dashboard.

These are the coursebook contents: https://www.pearson.com/content/dam/one-dot-com/one-dot-com/english/SampleMaterials/business-english/BusinesPartner/BusinessPartner_B2_Coursebook_contents.pdf .
The book will be available from the Cafoscarina bookshop while the ebook version is only available from the Pearson website (see above).

The language practice lessons with Prof Titmarsh will run in parallel to the main course and will use a different coursebook (see messages in Moodle course and course teachers' homepages)

The lessons will be held in English and are centred on the coursebook above. The minimum level of English required to be able to fully understand the reading texts and to follow the lessons successfully is B2.

Written and oral exam
Written: Reading comprehension, grammar and vocabulary gap fill e multiple choice, word formation, listening
Interactive lessons with audio-visual materials.

written and oral
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 09/01/2022