Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0411 (AF:302539 AR:167114)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
4th Term
Course year
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The main topic of the course is the so-called phenomenon of "forced" migration, the social, material, legal, working and housing conditions of applicants for international protection and the "reception" system in Italy.

Particular attention will be paid on local and national policies; the strategies, as well as the forms of internal and international mobility, and other forms of resistance of asylum seekers and refugees; social work in the "reception system".
To acquire knowledge on the system reception and the guarantees of international protection in Italy and Europe, through an historical contextualization of legal instruments and public policies on asylum.
To learn to take a critical perspective to analyse the phenomenon, both with reference to the actions of the institutions involved and in relation to the reading given by the institution, political actors and media.
To learn the categories of analysis suitable for understanding and deciphering the complex theme of so-called "forced migration", also in relation to the broader issue of human mobility.
No specific prerequisites are required. Even if taking the steps from a sociological perspective, the course proposes a multidisciplinary approach, valuing the heterogeneity of the specific disciplinary profiles and the backgrounds of the students.
The course aims to deepen the legal questions concerning the entry and stay procedures of asylum seekers and the administrative and organizational aspects related to the inclusion policies of persons recognized as holders of international protection. Particular attention will be devoted to the critical issues related to the formal recognition by the Municipalities and to the access to social rights (for example, the issue of exclusion from the registration). In this regard, the course aims to provide and consolidate some theoretical categories, useful for interpreting the processes under study, including the concepts of:
- the "reception" system;
- decreti sicurezza;
- migration control mechanisms;
- regulation of the migrant workforce
- civic stratification;
- administrative boundaries;
- selection of the population;
- internal and international mobility;
- refugee work;
- forms of struggle and resistance of refugees;
- residence policies.

The first part of the course will focus on the migration dynamics that affect the so-called "refugees", with the aim of providing a historical and empirical picture of the phenomenon and a critical reading of the ways in which the institutions and the media construct a representation. The object of critical analysis will be the distinction between "economic migrants" and "forced migrants".
The second part will focus on the inclusion and "reception" policies of asylum seekers and those who have obtained some forms of protection. Particular attention will be given to the different types of structures in which migrants are placed and to the political and administrative reasons justifying their establishment. Moreover, the similarities and differences between the refugee camps of the present and those that, in the decades after the second post-war period, have characterized numerous countries, including Italy, will be highlighted briefly.
The third part will be devoted to the analysis of the critical issues affecting the local level, and specifically the relationship with the municipal institutions. Here, the subject of registration will be the subject of interest. Specific attention will be devoted to regulatory interventions of an "emergency" nature - Safety packages, Minniti-Orlando decrees - which, in the last ten years, have had a profound effect on local inclusion paths.
There will also be space to deal with the themes of the forms of struggle and resistance of refugees and asylum seekers and the social, material and mobility trajectories of those who, for different reasons and in different administrative conditions, are outside the "reception" system.
Mandatory texts:

1. AA.VV., Il diritto di asilo tra accoglienza e esclusione, Edizioni dell'Asino, Bologna, 2015.

(The book can be downloaded for free at the following address: http://www.asinoedizioni.it/products-page/arti-e-mestieri/il-diritto-di-asilo-tra-accoglienza-e-escusione/ ; or you can receive the volume at home by paying only the shipping price).


1. Bontempelli, S. Un rifugio precario. Breve storia del diritto di asilo in Europa, Helicon, Rom2.

2. The essays by Gallo, Marchetti, Vitiello and Bontempelli contained in the monographic volume "Profughi" (n. 86) of the Meridiana journal: https://www.viella.it/rivista/9788867287253 (the reading of the essays by Sanfilippo, Bona , Salvatici and Colucci present in the same volume is instead optional).

3. Bolzoni M., Gargiulo E. and Manocchi M., The social consequences of denied access to housing for refugees in urban settings: the case of Turin, Italy, in the "International Journal of Housing Policy", 2015 (doi: 10.1080 /14616718.2015.1053337); Gargiulo E., The limits of local citizenship: administrative borders within the Italian municipalities, in "Citizenship studies", 2017; Gargiulo E., La residenza come campo di tensioni. I conflitti sull’iscrizione anagrafica e la loro rilevanza per lo studio delle migrazioni interne, in Fornasin A. et al. Per una storia della popolazione italiana del '900, Udine, Forum Editrice, 2016.


3. Texts and articles presented by the lecturer during the lessons and negotiated with the lecturer.

For non-attending students, it is mandatory to read a text chosen from:

Mastromartino M., Il diritto di asilo. Teoria e storia di un istituto giuridico controverso, Turin, Giappichelli;
Manocchi M., Richiedenti asilo e rifugiati politici. Percorsi di ricostruzione identitaria: il caso torinese, Milan, FrancoAngeli.

Recommended text:

Rastello L., 2010, La frontiera addosso. Così si deportano i diritti uman, Rome-Bai, Laterza

The lecturer is available to agree changes to the reference bibliography with the students based on their specific personal interests
Oral exam, classroom presentations by the students and, possibly, collective work and paper by the students.
Frontal lessons, classroom presentations by students, collective debates and, possibly, collective work and paper by the students.
For an appointment and reception with the lecturer contact him at francesco.dellapuppa@unive.it

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 21/11/2019