Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0243 (AF:302531 AR:169064)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
3rd Term
Course year
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The teaching of EVALUATION AND QUALITATIVE RESEARCH is one of the training activities associated with the MSc program in PHILOSOPHICAL SCIENCES - HUMAN SCIENCES AND TRAINING [FM61] and LM WORK, SOCIAL CITIZENSHIP, INTERCULTURALITY [FM8] and allows the student to acquire the knowledge and understanding of the basic elements of Evaluation and Qualitative Research in education / training and in the social field.
Knowledge and understanding: Understand and master the models, methods, techniques and tools of evaluation in the school or social field.
Applying knowledge and understanding: Use theoretical and methodological knowledge to design, implement and validate learning, skills, projects and systems assessment pathways.
Making judgements: Develop meta-self-evaluation and critical capacity of the procedures and evaluation processes experienced, in the pursuit of continuous research.
Communication skills: Communicate clearly and articulately the results of the evaluation, depending on the different interviewees.
Learning skills: Know how to exploit talents and criticalities, both of them and others, in order to promote development and innovation.

Objectives of expertise:
- Diagnostic Competence: read to interpret the complex educational needs.
- Assessment Competence: to reveal and recognize, promote and guide the potential of the individual and the community.
- Certificated Competence: share and develop criteria and standards to ensure the portability and assume responsibility for the trial.
- Scientific Competence: take a critical sense, rigor of research, design and ethics.
There are no specific requirements. May attend the course also students from other degree courses of the University, interested in issues related to assessment in education and training.
Evaluative thinking and its forms.
The axioms of evaluation.
Parameter Comparison Parameters and Strategies.
Valuation activities: detection, control, verification.
Process evaluation. System evaluation.
The meta-evaluation and errors of evaluation.
Structured knowledge tests.
Evaluate and certify skills.
Research and evaluation together for innovation and development: Evaluation Research (approaches and models).
A) Tessaro F., La valutazione. 2018 (Professor texts and online materials)

B) A book chosen from: (two books for non-attending students)
Alivernini F., Lucidi F., Pedon A., Metodologia della ricerca qualitativa. Il mulino, Bologna, 2008. (*)
Amaturo E., Metodologia e Tecnica della Ricerca Sociale, Università Federico II Napoli (dal punto 12 al punto 30) (http://www.federica.unina.it/corsi/metodologia-e-tecnica-della-ricerca-sociale/ ) (*)
Baldacci M., Frabboni F., Manuale di metodologia della ricerca educativa. UTET università, 2013. (**)
Besozzi, E., Colombo, M., Metodologia della ricerca sociale nei contesti socio-educativi. Guerini Scientifica, 2014. (*)
Bezzi C., Cos'è la valutazione. Un'introduzione ai concetti, le parole chiave e i problemi metodologici, FrancoAngeli, 2007 (*)
Bezzi, C., Il nuovo disegno della ricerca valutativa. FrancoAngeli, 2010. (*)
Cardano, M., La ricerca qualitativa. Il mulino, 2011 (*)
De Monticelli Roberta, (2005), La fenomenologia come metodo di ricerca filosofica e la sua attualità, (http://www.progettofahrenheit.it/doc/mazzanti/FIL%20TEDESCA%201/fenomenologia.pdf ) (**)
Glaser, B. G., & Strauss, A. L., La scoperta della grounded theory. Strategie per la ricerca qualitativa. Armando Editore, 2009. (**)
Mertens D. M., McLaughlin J.A., Research and Evaluation Methods in Special Education, Corwin Press, 2004. (**)
Patton M. Q., Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods, Sage Publications, 2002. (**)
Trinchero R., I metodi della ricerca educativa, Laterza, Bari 2004 (**)
Trinchero, R.. Costruire, valutare, certificare competenze. Proposte di attività per la scuola, FrancoAngeli, 2012. (**)

NB: (*) oriented to social studies - (**) oriented to teaching / training
- Online verification (on text A) with closed questions (learning outcomes nr: 1).
- Written exam (on text/s B) with open questions (learning outcomes nr: 1-3).
- Project work activities: Part I: design of an evaluation or qualitative research with the development of an evaluation and / or analysis tool. Part II: Personal relationship - critical-reflective analysis. (Attending students will be able to play part I in small groups) - (learning outcomes nr: 2-3-4-5).
written and oral
Lectures and exercises. Project work. Discussions and arguments in a working group.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 24/06/2019