- Academic year
- 2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- FM0243 (AF:302531 AR:169064)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 6
- Degree level
- Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
- Educational sector code
- M-PED/03
- Period
- 3rd Term
- Course year
- 1
- Where
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
Expected learning outcomes
Applying knowledge and understanding: Use theoretical and methodological knowledge to design, implement and validate learning, skills, projects and systems assessment pathways.
Making judgements: Develop meta-self-evaluation and critical capacity of the procedures and evaluation processes experienced, in the pursuit of continuous research.
Communication skills: Communicate clearly and articulately the results of the evaluation, depending on the different interviewees.
Learning skills: Know how to exploit talents and criticalities, both of them and others, in order to promote development and innovation.
Objectives of expertise:
- Diagnostic Competence: read to interpret the complex educational needs.
- Assessment Competence: to reveal and recognize, promote and guide the potential of the individual and the community.
- Certificated Competence: share and develop criteria and standards to ensure the portability and assume responsibility for the trial.
- Scientific Competence: take a critical sense, rigor of research, design and ethics.
The axioms of evaluation.
Parameter Comparison Parameters and Strategies.
Valuation activities: detection, control, verification.
Process evaluation. System evaluation.
The meta-evaluation and errors of evaluation.
Structured knowledge tests.
Evaluate and certify skills.
Research and evaluation together for innovation and development: Evaluation Research (approaches and models).
Referral texts
B) A book chosen from: (two books for non-attending students)
Alivernini F., Lucidi F., Pedon A., Metodologia della ricerca qualitativa. Il mulino, Bologna, 2008. (*)
Amaturo E., Metodologia e Tecnica della Ricerca Sociale, Università Federico II Napoli (dal punto 12 al punto 30) (http://www.federica.unina.it/corsi/metodologia-e-tecnica-della-ricerca-sociale/ ) (*)
Baldacci M., Frabboni F., Manuale di metodologia della ricerca educativa. UTET università, 2013. (**)
Besozzi, E., Colombo, M., Metodologia della ricerca sociale nei contesti socio-educativi. Guerini Scientifica, 2014. (*)
Bezzi C., Cos'è la valutazione. Un'introduzione ai concetti, le parole chiave e i problemi metodologici, FrancoAngeli, 2007 (*)
Bezzi, C., Il nuovo disegno della ricerca valutativa. FrancoAngeli, 2010. (*)
Cardano, M., La ricerca qualitativa. Il mulino, 2011 (*)
De Monticelli Roberta, (2005), La fenomenologia come metodo di ricerca filosofica e la sua attualità, (http://www.progettofahrenheit.it/doc/mazzanti/FIL%20TEDESCA%201/fenomenologia.pdf ) (**)
Glaser, B. G., & Strauss, A. L., La scoperta della grounded theory. Strategie per la ricerca qualitativa. Armando Editore, 2009. (**)
Mertens D. M., McLaughlin J.A., Research and Evaluation Methods in Special Education, Corwin Press, 2004. (**)
Patton M. Q., Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods, Sage Publications, 2002. (**)
Trinchero R., I metodi della ricerca educativa, Laterza, Bari 2004 (**)
Trinchero, R.. Costruire, valutare, certificare competenze. Proposte di attività per la scuola, FrancoAngeli, 2012. (**)
NB: (*) oriented to social studies - (**) oriented to teaching / training
Assessment methods
- Written exam (on text/s B) with open questions (learning outcomes nr: 1-3).
- Project work activities: Part I: design of an evaluation or qualitative research with the development of an evaluation and / or analysis tool. Part II: Personal relationship - critical-reflective analysis. (Attending students will be able to play part I in small groups) - (learning outcomes nr: 2-3-4-5).
Type of exam
Teaching methods
Teaching language
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals
This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development