Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
CT0055 (AF:283584 AR:169465)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The course is one of the fundmental training activities of the three-year degree course in Chemistry and Sustainable Technologies. It teaches the students to face a chemical problem from a practical-experimental point of view and to use laboratory techniques and equipment.
The specific educational objective of this teaching module is to provide practical knowledge on organic chemistry experiments, providing skills that allow to design and carry out organic reactions and to interpret the results. The course of Organic Chemistry II laboratory (module 2) aims therefore to widen the fundamental notions acquired in the course of Organic Chemistry I (1st part), from the other to impart to the students knowledge relative to the principal laboratory and analysis techniques of the data of organic chemistry.
1. Knowledge and understanding
i) Know the equipment, techniques and methodologies of an organic synthesis laboratory.
ii) Know the basics for carrying out an organic synthesis experiment, to isolate and purify the product and to analyze the results.
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
i) Knowing how to correctly identify and use the various equipment and instruments.
ii) Knowing how to read, interpret and implement an experimental laboratory procedure.
iii) Knowing how to carry out a coherent sequence of laboratory operations, safely and with reproducible results.
iv) Knowing how to interpret experimental data and write a report
3. Judgment capacity
Compatibly with the depth of the subject during the course:
i) know how to evaluate the correct execution and effectiveness of an experiment,
ii) know how to recognize and handle organic compounds also based on their danger to human health and the environment
4. Communication skills
i) Knowing how to use the appropriate scientific-technical terminology.
ii) Being able to illustrate methodologies and results of a laboratory experiment in a scientific report.
iii) Knowing how to interact constructively with the teacher and classmates, asking questions using the correct scientific terminology.
5. Learning skills
i) Knowing how to keep a laboratory book and how to interpret the scientific results of experiments.
Proficiency in the subjects taught in the Organic Chemistry I and Laboratory course . It is necessary for the student to know and be familiar with the main techniques of a chemical laboratory: distillation, chromatography, separation, extraction, heating, agitation, reflux, weighing, volumetric measurements, molarity calculations, etc. and some knowledge of equipment nomenclature and techniques is recommended. It is recommended that the student has passed the exam in Organic Chemistry I and Laboratory.
Thepreparatory lectures for the laboratory of Organic Chemistry 2 describe:
The main techniques and equipment used during the teaching laboratory.
Each laboratory experience.
Reaction techniques, product isolation and purification.
Interpretation of experimental data including references to NMR spectroscopy, gas chromatography, and mass spectrometry.
Advanced Practical Organic Chemistry by Leonard-Lygo-Procter
Vogel's textbook of practical organic chemistry
Spectrometric identification of organic compounds by Silverstein-Bassler-Morrill
or any one of the books found here:,contains,practical%20organic%20chemistry&vid=unive_new_ui&facet=rtype,include,books&lang=it_IT&offset=0
The Organic Chemistry 2 course assessment takes place through a written and an oral test. Before accessing the oral test, the student must have passed the written test and he/she must have received a positive evaluation of written reports related to the laboratory part of the Organic Chemistry II course. According to the schedule provided by the University, the student may decide to take the oral exam one week after the written one. The written test consists of a series of exercises on the entire program carried out (see contents section), aimed at ascertaining the skills acquired in solving problems of synthesis and organic synthesis and in proposing logical mechanisms of reactions. During the written test, lasting about 2 hours, the use of books, electronic or handwritten notes, electronic media is not permitted. The oral test consists of a series of questions to which the student must answer by demonstrating knowledge and ability to expose the topics of the entire program (see contents section) with knowledge of the language and the use of scientific chemical symbology. The oral test lasts from 15 to 30 minutes depending to the clarity and consistency of the answers to the asked questions. The final score of the exam is predominantly evaluated (80-85%) based on the outcome of the written test, while the evaluation of the oral test and of the laboratory reports integrate (positively or negatively) the mark of the written test.
written and oral
Module 2 of the Organic Chemistry 2 course includes 6 preparatory lectures folllowed by 6 laboratory sessions where the students carry out the experiments.
Due to the current pandemic, the scheduel of this coourse may change for the AY 20/21.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Natural capital and environmental quality" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

This programme is provisional and there could still be changes in its contents.
Last update of the programme: 13/07/2020