Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0074 (AF:283003 AR:169080)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Term
Course year
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It is one of the characterizing courses of the CdS in Conservation and Management of Cultural Heritage, Cultural Activities and Landscape. It aims to provide students with the first methodological tools for the interpretation of the archaeological contexts of pre-Roman Italy.
The aim of the course is to develop the ability to think about the dynamics of formation and development of the Etruscan civilization and of ancient Italy, also from different points of view. It aims to provide the methodology for the analysis of archaeological contexts also in comparison one with each other.
1. Knowledge and understanding
- To know basic archaeological and technical terminology
- To Know Italic chronology relative and absolute
- To know main theoretical models to analize settelments and necropolis
- To Know main theoretical models to analize material culture and social organization
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
- To be able to employ archaeological and technical terminology
- To be able to apply chronological references for the Italic Iron age
- To be able to analyze some case studies for settlements and necropolis
- To be able to analyze examples of material culture and artistic finds
3. Judgment skills
- To be able to judge and argue hypothesis about etrusco-italic contexts
4. Communication skills
- To be able to tell new finds or results of the research with a plain and technical terminology
- to be able to compare themselves with colleagues and tutor, even in virtual way
5. Learning ability
- To be able to take notes and to share them with colleagues, even on line
- To be able to consult bibliographic references even with a critical point of view
Minimum requirement is a good knowledge of the Italian phisical and morphological geography. A basic knowledge of the greco-roman archaeology coulde be useful.
Themes concerning the framing of the Etruscan civilization in the historical, environmental and territorial horizons from the Villanovan-Etruscan civilization until the last evidences in the Hellenistic period are developed. The teaching is based on a comparative analysis of historical and archaeological sources. The aspects of training are considered in relation to contacts with the Mediterranean civilizations, with pre-Roman Italy and with Rome. The basis of the chronology, the main elements of typology and the lines of development of artistic manifestations will be provided.
Themes are proposed for attending and not attending. Non-attending students will have to take into consideration the specifically indicated bibliography and will be able to deepen individual topics of their specific interest on request.
Testi obbligatori:
M. Torelli, L’Arte degli Etruschi, Laterza Economica 2008.
M. Torelli, Storia degli Etruschi, Laterza Economica 2005.
Letture integrative:
Due saggi da: G. Bartoloni (a cura di), Introduzione all’Etruscologia, Milano 2011 (Hoepli)
Per i non frequentanti anche alcuni saggi da concordare con il docente da:
G. Bartoloni (a cura di), Introduzione all’Etruscologia, Milano 2011 (Hoepli)

The test is oral; the student have to show a good knowledge of the main subjects and that they are able to explain the topics in a formally correct language, making use also of proper archaeological terminology. The oral taxt includes the treatment of at least three topics: one of a general nature, for the framing of a territory or a chronological period, one on material culture and one of historical or artistic history.
Face to face lessons
Lectures and exercises
On.line papers for specific topics.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Cities, infrastructure and social capital" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 07/04/2019