Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
EM7022 (AF:281856 AR:160806)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Term
Course year
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This course deepens the approach of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME's) to the international markets.
With the arrival of the new technologies of planning and communication, each enterprise can call itself, at least potentially, international.
This course aims to provide the attendants with the tools to face the evaluation of the international markets, the definition and the carrying out of marketing strategies and politics, and the management of commercial transactions with foreign countries.
In particular, the program does not intend to limit itself to describing the cultural peculiarities of the developing markets, but to deepen the main managerial problems and to show how to manage the marketing tools to make effective the relationships between companies and foreign markets. Particular attention, during the course, will be attributed to the way of building a marketing plan for the export. A thorough analysis will be reserved to some countries particularly relevant for Italian export.
Recognize the characteristics of export activities.
Identify the cultural factors that influence the marketing activities in an international context.
Investigate, analyze and assess the environment of marketing, which determines exports and imports.
Identify and evaluate marketing strategies and activities of operators engaged in international markets.
Devise and justify a marketing plan for an italian SME engaged in export activities.
Very good knowledge of fundamentals of marketing will be required.
It is strongly recommended to have already attended the courses in the first year of "Marketing & Communication" program.
1. Globalization, opening of the markets and attraction of the Countries
2. How to build a marketing plan for a foreign market
3. Why and how do Small and Medium-sized Enterprises face the foreign markets
4. How to analyze the attraction of a foreign market
5. The analysis of the “country of origin effect”: problems and opportunities
6. How to export directly and indirectly to a foreign market
7. Why and how to select a partner for an agreement of international partnership
8. Standardization versus adaptation of the value proposition: glocal and intertribal approaches
9. The entrance into the distribution channels and the connections with the local distribution
10. Pricing, communication and intercultural negotiation
For attendants:
- for the case studies see Create: International Marketing, F. Casarin, Custom Publishing McGraw-Hill Education 2014;
- for the international marketing plan see M. McDonald, Piani di marketing, Milano, Franco Angeli Editore, 2010; E. Valdani, G. Bertoli, Marketing internazionale, nuova edizione, Milano, Egea, 2018, ISBN: 8823822688.

For non attendants:
Valdani E., Bertoli G., Marketing internazionale, nuova edizione, Milano, Egea, 2018, ISBN: 8823822688.

Suggested readings:
Alon I., Jaffe E., Vianelli D., Global marketing: contemporary theory, practice, and cases, New York, McGraw-Hill/Irwin 2012.
Battersby G.J., Simon D., Il manuale del licensing per licensor e licensee, Milano, Franco Angeli 2013.
Bursi T., Galli G., Marketing internazionale, Milano, McGraw-Hill Italia, 2012.
Bursi T., Grappi S., Martinelli E., Effetto “country of origin”. Un’analisi comparata a livello internazionale sul comportamento d’acquisto della clientela, Bologna, Il Mulino 2012.
Cateora P., Gilly M., Graham J., International marketing, New York, McGraw-Hill 2010.
Child J., Faulkner D., Tallman S.B., Cooperative strategy, Oxford, Oxford University Press 2005.
Ghemawat P., Distance still matters, Harvard Business Review, settembre 2001, pp. 137-147.
Hofstede G., Hofstede G.J., Minkov M., Cultures and organisations: software for the mind, 3a ed., McGraw-Hill 2010.
Masiello B., Fiducia nelle reti. Strategie per la crescita nei mercati internazionali delle PMI, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica 2013.
Pepe C., Zucchella A. (a cura di), L’internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane, Bologna, Il Mulino 2009.
Santos C.R., Ganassali S., Casarin F., Laaksonen P., Kaufmann H.R. (eds), Consumption Culture in Europe, Hershey PA-USA, IGI Global, 2013.
Vianelli D., De Luca P., Pegan G., Modalità d’entrata e scelte distributive del Made in Italy in Cina, Milano, Franco Angeli 2012.
Zhen Y., Globalization and the Chinese Retailing Revolution: competing in the world's largest emerging market, Oxford, Chandos Publishing 2007.
Active participation will be required.
Students who will attend lectures will be involved in individual project works.

Non-attendant students will take an oral exam.
written and oral
Lectures, managers' speeches, project works, case history
The course is taught in Italian language.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Cities, infrastructure and social capital" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 17/04/2019