Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
ET5004 (AF:281662 AR:160266)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
3rd Term
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The course aims to provide knowledge and interpretative tools useful for understanding the geographical dimension of tourism phenomena. Furthermore, the course aims to illustrate the ways in which places are used, created and transformed through tourism practices.
1. Knowledge and understanding:
1.1 Use of the geographical terminology related to tourism
1.2 Knowledge of the classical models in tourism geography

2. Applying knowledge and analyzing:
2.1 Being able to use the above mentioned concepts and models to interpret the economic and socio-spatial dynamics of tourism development at different geographical scales
2.2 Recognizing the tourist development dynamics (past or present) and the related social and environmental problems

3. Ability to judge:
3.1 Evaluating, case by case, the economic, environmental and socio-cultural factors that concur to tourist sustainability (or unsustainability)

4. Communication skills:
4.1 Writing in a logic, coherent and synthetic style, in order to expose the knowledge gained
4.2 Use of an appropriate semantic and linguistic register
To have passed the exam of Political Economy.
During the course some key themes of tourism geography will be addressed, also through the consideration of case studies.
After a first introduction to the key concepts of geography, as interpretative and operational tools useful for understanding the complexity of tourist phenomena, the lessons will gradually be dedicated to the exploration of how geography, in its various branches, analyses tourist phenomena and their territorial events.
In particular, the following geographical approaches applied to tourism will be presented through theoretical reflections and concrete examples:
- economic geography: flows of people, goods and money
- political geography and critical geopolitics: borders, governance and alternative routes
- geography of the environment: sustainable tourism and ecotourism
- social geography: territories, practices, consumption and imaginaries
Students attending to the lectures:

1) Lorenzo Bagnoli, Manuale di geografia del turismo. Dal Grand Tour al Piano Strategico, Quarta Edizione, UTET, Novara, 2018.

2) Chiara Rabbiosi, Il territorio messo in scena. Turismo, consumi, luoghi. Mimesis, Milano, 2018

Students NOT attending to the lectures:

1) Lorenzo Bagnoli, “Manuale di geografia del turismo. Dal Grand Tour al Piano Strategico”, Quarta Edizione, UTET, Novara, 2018.

2) Chiara Rabbiosi, “Il territorio messo in scena. Turismo, consumi, luoghi”. Mimesis, Milano, 2018

3) Dino Gavinelli, Giacomo Zanolin, “Geografia del turismo contemporaneo. Pratiche, narrazioni e luoghi”, Carocci, Roma, 2019.

All: any other supplementary and in-depth texts will be indicated and provided during the lessons and will be made available through Moodle
For attending students, the verification of learning will take place in the following ways:
- written essay in itinere
- final oral exam

The final score will be determined for 1/3 from the evaluation of the written paper and for the remaining 2/3 from the outcome of the oral exam

For non-attending students, the exam will consist of an oral exam on the 3 texts indicated in the bibliography.
Lectures with class discussion and any seminar interventions.
Possible online interactive teaching activities and exercises.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Circular economy, innovation, work" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 21/12/2020