Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0138 (AF:281373 AR:167276)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Term
Course year
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The course is an introduction to the methodology and techniques of social research. The main aim is to provide the students with the knowledge and analytical skills necessary to read, critically analyse, design, commission social research, in particular in the area of social policies and interventions.
At the end of the course students:
• They have knowledge with the paradigms of social research and their variety of objectives, instruments and limits
• They have knowledge of the main quantitative research techniques, their underlying assumptions and their utility in the field of social policies and interventions
• They have knowledge of the main qualitative research techniques, their underlying assumptions and their utility in the field of social policies and interventions
• They are able to identify possible research tools applied to concrete cases in the field of social policies and interventions
• They are able to read a research report from a methodological perspective
No prior knowledge is necessary for this class
The course is articulated in 3 thematic blocks:
1. Introduction to social research and research paradigms
2. Foundations and techniques in quantitative research
3. Foundations and techniques in qualitative research

In each block the introduction and discussion of basic concepts goes along with the analysis of concrete cases (research problems, existing research).
1. Corbetta, P. (2015), La ricerca sociale: metodologie e tecniche. Il Mulino.
Older editions are acceptable; please make sure to find the corresponding chapters.
• Volume I I paradigmi di riferimento: introduzione, capitolo 1, capitolo 2.
• Volume II Le tecniche quantitative: capitolo 1, capitolo 2 (fino a pag. 85, paragrafi: “Il concetto di causa”; “Corroborazione empirica della relazione causale”, “Analisi della covariazione ed esperimento”, sono esclusi i successivi paragrafi), capitolo 3, capitolo 4 (fino a pag. 232, paragrafi “Modalità di rilevazione”, “Inchieste diacroniche”, “Analisi secondaria”, “Ricerca bibliografica, archivi e dataset”, è escluso l’ultimo paragrafo), capitolo 6.
• Volume III Le tecniche qualitative: capitolo 1, capitolo 2, capitolo 3.
Vol IV is NOT part of the program

2. Madge J. (2003) Lo sviluppo dei metodi di ricerca empirica in sociologia. Il Mulino.
The book is available at Ca Foscari University library and also for online purchasing. Any edition is fine, please make sure to find the corresponding chapters.
• Cap. 1 “Suicidio e anomia” (Escluso il paragrafo finale “Teoria sociale”)
• Cap. 2 “Contadini e operai” (Escluso il paragrafo “Metodologia”)
• Cap 4 “La vita in una piccola città” (pagine 173-200, esclusi i paragrafi “Middletown in transition”, “Lo spirito di Middletown”);
• Cap 6 “Lo studio delle subculture” (pagine 285- 323, escluso il paragrafo “Teoria sociale”).

Other additional readings (not compulsory for the exam) may be indicated during the course

Readings are the same for attending and non-attending students.

The written exam consists of open questions relative to the themes of the lectures to the texts. During the exam it is not possible to look up texts, notes and other materials.
The exam is the same for attending and non-attending students.
The assessment concerns:
- the understanding of the main concepts addressed during the course;
- clarity;
- ability to critically analyse methodological strategies
- ability to propose research strategies applied to a concrete case
The course consists of lectures and seminars in which the main concepts and concrete cases will be introduced, also by means of visual documents (ppt presentation, videos, pictures).
During the course the students will be given short home assignments that will be discussed during class. The assignments are not assessed, but represent an important tool to prepare the final exam.
The program is the same for attending and non-attending students
Office hours: by appointment; email
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 16/04/2019